Powder Storage?


Mar 5, 2011
I am wanting to know where you guys store your powder, right now mine is still sitting on top of my bench, i have about 10 different bottles of it, should i get some kind of storage container for it, and if so what should it be made of?
Mine is on a shelf in one of our pantries, just in the factory containers. If you are going to store smokeless powder in anything, it should be the type of box where the lid will blow off, instead of containing it in a hermetically sealed or locked box and having it explode. Powder will just burn if not tightly enclosed.
I have mine in factory containers but inside a cupboard that
I have hanging in my man cave :wink:

Mine is stored on a concrete floor in a cabinet on the lowest shelf. Keep it as cool and a consistent temperature as possible. I would "not" store it for long periods on my bench.
Mine stays in an old refrigerator, nice adjustable racks, metal construction and insulated. If the unthinkable happens the door easily pops open. It is on a concrete floor so temp stays fairly consistent and is not exposed to any sunlight. I do not need the light so the unit stays UNPLUGGED. Very handy storage. It is never a good idea to have more than one powder {the one you are using} on the bench at any time, to easy to get distracted and grab the wrong one. Be safe . Newysan