Pressure Trace or Oehler 43

The M43 is a top of the line machine and priced to match. Ohler has been the leader in chronos and pressure equipment for years.
I`ve a RSI Pressure Trace and find it useful. One needs to keep in mind though the data you get from either is not necessarily a true psi reading. I like to look at them as "pressure units". The Presssure Trace is a very resonable priced tool that will let you compare pressures of various loads with excellent resolution. They also show the burn "rise" which is a measure of the powders burn rate in that paticular cartridge/load. The possibility of pressure spikes, and other useful info. They are an educational tool that can show you alot about your loads.

Oehler is indeed top of the like equipment.
I sure would like to take some readings on my 280 AI.
