Question on head space?


Feb 9, 2007
OK I'm thinking on head space issues, if we start with new brass neck sized or FL sized, I hear all new brass is under sized to fit in all guns, wouldn't that cause head space issues as well? We need to worry about over sizing in a FL die, do they make the brass even smaller than new brass? Or are we worried about the brass not fitting all the way in the chamber? I may be over thinking all of this I don't know?
In theory, all new brass and all full length resizing dies are built to minimum SAAMI spec. Yes, if you have a resizing die that is particularly small and a chamber that is particularly large, you can have headspace issues. In reality, though, these differences are pretty small for the most part, and are taken care of in the first firing, because you're a diligent handloader and either partial full length resize or neck size your brass after first firing, and don't mix brass from one rifle to another of the same caliber. So what you end up with is a very slight stretching of the case near the head on the first firing, and perfect headspace thereafter, which works out to be fine. Then all you have to worry about is neck splits. All of this is, of course, part of a perfect world, and that's why it's important to inspect cases regularly and thoroughly as you load them. But you very likely already knew that, as you know to be concerned with headspace overall.