Quick load 130 E Tip

Bruce Mc

Oct 26, 2005
Could someone kindly run me off quick loads for the 130 gr E Tip for 270 Win with 22" barrel. Reloder 16, H 4350 and 4831.
Cartridge          : .270 Win. (SAAMI)
Bullet             : .277, 130, Nosler E-Tip 59298
Useable Case Capaci: 59.194 grain H2O = 3.843 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.340 inch = 84.84 mm
Barrel Length      : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm
Powder             : Hodgdon H4831 *T

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 1.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-10.0  100    53.10   2725    2144   44926  11160     89.7    1.199
-09.0  101    53.69   2758    2196   46509  11319     90.3    1.179
-08.0  102    54.28   2792    2250   48154  11475     90.9    1.160
-07.0  103    54.87   2825    2305   49864  11627     91.6    1.141
-06.0  105    55.46   2859    2360   51644  11777     92.2    1.122
-05.0  106    56.05   2893    2416   53497  11924     92.7    1.104
-04.0  107    56.64   2927    2473   55426  12066     93.3    1.086  ! Near Maximum !
-03.0  108    57.23   2961    2531   57433  12205     93.8    1.068  ! Near Maximum !
-02.0  109    57.82   2995    2590   59528  12340     94.3    1.050  ! Near Maximum !
-01.0  110    58.41   3030    2650   61712  12470     94.8    1.033  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0  111    59.00   3064    2710   63989  12597     95.3    1.016  ! Near Maximum !
+01.0  112    59.59   3099    2772   66365  12718     95.8    1.000  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+02.0  114    60.18   3133    2834   68845  12834     96.2    0.983  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+03.0  115    60.77   3168    2897   71436  12946     96.6    0.967  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0  116    61.36   3203    2961   74146  13052     97.0    0.951  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+05.0  117    61.95   3238    3027   76982  13152     97.4    0.936  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 5% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 5% relative to nominal value:
+Ba    111    59.00   3152    2867   70343  12735     97.8    0.976  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 5% relative to nominal value:
-Ba    111    59.00   2966    2539   58015  12306     91.9    1.062  ! Near Maximum !
Cartridge          : .270 Win. (SAAMI)
Bullet             : .277, 130, Nosler E-Tip 59298
Useable Case Capaci: 59.194 grain H2O = 3.843 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.340 inch = 84.84 mm
Barrel Length      : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm
Powder             : Hodgdon H4350 *T

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 1.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-10.0   93    49.59   2742    2170   46881  10853     94.7    1.185
-09.0   94    50.14   2771    2217   48352  10981     95.1    1.168
-08.0   95    50.69   2801    2264   49870  11105     95.6    1.151
-07.0   96    51.24   2830    2312   51436  11226     96.0    1.134
-06.0   97    51.79   2860    2361   53053  11344     96.4    1.118
-05.0   98    52.35   2889    2409   54722  11459     96.7    1.102
-04.0   99    52.90   2919    2459   56445  11570     97.1    1.086  ! Near Maximum !
-03.0  100    53.45   2948    2509   58224  11677     97.4    1.070  ! Near Maximum !
-02.0  101    54.00   2977    2559   60061  11781     97.7    1.055  ! Near Maximum !
-01.0  102    54.55   3007    2610   61958  11881     98.0    1.040  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0  103    55.10   3036    2661   63919  11977     98.3    1.026  ! Near Maximum !
+01.0  104    55.65   3066    2713   65945  12069     98.6    1.011  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+02.0  105    56.20   3095    2765   68038  12156     98.8    0.997  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+03.0  106    56.75   3124    2817   70203  12239     99.0    0.983  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0  107    57.30   3153    2870   72441  12318     99.2    0.969  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+05.0  108    57.86   3182    2923   74756  12392     99.4    0.956  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 5% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 5% relative to nominal value:
+Ba    103    55.10   3106    2784   69379  11940     99.6    0.989  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 5% relative to nominal value:
-Ba    103    55.10   2956    2522   58515  11876     96.0    1.067  ! Near Maximum !
Cartridge          : .270 Win. (SAAMI)
Bullet             : .277, 130, Nosler E-Tip 59298
Useable Case Capaci: 59.194 grain H2O = 3.843 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.340 inch = 84.84 mm
Barrel Length      : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm
Powder             : Alliant Reloder-16 *C *T

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 1.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-10.0   92    48.69   2839    2326   46646  11680     98.6    1.170
-09.0   93    49.23   2869    2375   48134  11786     98.8    1.152
-08.0   94    49.77   2899    2425   49670  11887     99.1    1.135
-07.0   95    50.31   2929    2476   51257  11982     99.3    1.119
-06.0   96    50.85   2958    2526   52895  12072     99.5    1.103
-05.0   97    51.40   2988    2577   54588  12155     99.7    1.087
-04.0   98    51.94   3018    2629   56338  12233     99.8    1.071  ! Near Maximum !
-03.0   99    52.48   3047    2680   58145  12305     99.9    1.056  ! Near Maximum !
-02.0  100    53.02   3077    2732   60016  12370     99.9    1.041  ! Near Maximum !
-01.0  101    53.56   3106    2785   61951  12430    100.0    1.026  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0  102    54.10   3135    2837   63949  12482    100.0    1.011  ! Near Maximum !
+01.0  103    54.64   3164    2890   66018  12532    100.0    0.997  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+02.0  104    55.18   3193    2942   68157  12581    100.0    0.983  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+03.0  105    55.72   3221    2996   70372  12629    100.0    0.969  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0  106    56.26   3250    3049   72666  12676    100.0    0.955  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+05.0  107    56.81   3278    3102   75040  12722    100.0    0.942  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 5% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 5% relative to nominal value:
+Ba    102    54.10   3199    2955   70223  12215    100.0    0.973  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 5% relative to nominal value:
-Ba    102    54.10   3055    2695   58038  12677     99.3    1.054  ! Near Maximum !