Range Day with the 280/270 WSM


Nov 8, 2006
It was another range day for me. I was working up loads for a 7mm WSM. It is one of the custom rifles produced by Rocky Mountain Rifles. It is quite a handsome rifle, and it shoots exceptionally well. The initial effort produced ~0.6 inch groups across the spectrum with 168 grain Berger VLDs. I'll now play with seating depth and adjust charges to get a great load. Here are a couple of pictures of the rifle.



While at the range, I continued some work with my new .280 Remington. Earlier this week, I focused on some heavier bullets. Though the rifle shot well, it didn't provide me the "WOW" factor. I had a couple of 140 grain E-Tip loads that still needed to be shot across the Chrony, however. I just may have found a good deer load.


This load is built with a maximum charge or RL22, giving me a velocity of ~2940 fps with a very small standard deviation. I also worked up some loads using Rottweil 905, which gave me slightly higher velocities and sub MOA groups. I do believe there is a reasonable possibility that this will give me a good deer load this fall. Here's the rifle.



I checked my 270 WSM, which I'm carrying afield for elk tomorrow afternoon. The load is built around 130 grain E-Tips. It was shooting very well.


This is one of the 2008 runs from the FN factory. It is a lovely example of what a major manufacturer can do when they put their mind to it.



However, it is back to the bench this evening to finish the 7mm WSM and to work up some loads for a 300 WSM that has waited far too long.
I figured you'd be out hunting........

I'll do an evening hunt for elk tomorrow. Perhaps I'll sneak away to the Sukunka region on Saturday if I get all my other chores finished. I'll be looking for moose there.
I have seen some very fine looking rifles on here and that 270 WSM is one of the best looking one I have ever laid eyes on. Glad she shoots as good as she looks!
Hi Mike that RMR looks great, got me thinking and hoping that mine is started :wink:
Can't wait I really do not want to go early Elk, if my rifle is done this month I can use it late Elk.
Oh well it will be a beaut :mrgreen:

Very nice Mike. You know I have a soft spot in my heart for that darn .280 Remington! What a rifle. In fact, if and when I do that 03-A3 build I believe I need to make it into a 280!! :shock: Looks like you have a good load, but I have to say mine sure liked IMR4350 54.0grs. with the 140 gr. Partition at the same velocity of about 2940 fps in my 700 MTN rifle.

Nice work now go get a moose! I leave to go on my goat hunt next Monday!!
I was very fortunate to pick up three of the 2008 run of rifles out of the FN factory (.30-06, .300 WSM and the .270 WSM). I'm sorry I wasn't able to pick up a few others. It seems that as they were reintroducing the Model 70, they used select walnut on the stocks. They were exceptional, that's for certain. All shoot quite well, though i don't believe they shoot any better than the current production runs. I am quite pleased with the accuracy I'm seeing from the E-Tips. I have only taken one head of game with an E-Tip yet, and that was a moose with the 270 WSM a couple of years back. Perhaps I'll hit pay dirt tomorrow evening.

Dan, I don't know what the status on your rifle is. I do know that they have picked up new staff, adding some exceptionally competent people. It seems that every time I peek into the back, everyone is moving pretty rapidly. They are plenty busy. Give them plenty of lead time, as you want the job done correctly. I measured the initial groups from this 7mm WSM, and they measured 0.67 inches. I'll play with seating depth and vary the charge to tighten things up. Undoubtedly, this rifle will yield some exceptional groups in the very near future. There will be a happy owner.

David, I pray every success as you stalk your goat. Stay safe and enjoy your time. I know we'll all enjoy seeing your photography.
Very nice group of rifles Mike. Seems they are all shooting very nice! Love that 270WSM. It is one pretty rifle. Scotty
I think both the 270 WSM and the 280 are attractive rifles. I wasn't particularly looking for another .280 when I got this one as my Featherweight shoots very well (I've taken quite a few head of deer with that rifle). This one is a little longer, however, and it seems to spit out 150 grain bullets somewhat more accurately. Having said that, I am not concerned to carry either of these rifles afield when loaded with E-Tips. I believe these loads will work very well indeed.
That .270 WSM is a really beautiful rifle DrMike. It was really fortunate for you to get in on that special run of rifles and get three of them. Outstanding wood on that one and great shooter as well! I wish that Browning would make a special run of rifles more often so that more of us could own one of these beauties. Thanks for the pictures.