Range Results


Oct 2, 2007
I have been working with the 140 ac and reloader 19 and the best shot group i can get is .932 at 100 yards. Do you think i could tighten it up a bit with seating depth. That is out of my 270 win.
I usually work in .5g increments to achieve the desired accuracy I want which is 3/4" or less at 100 yards. If that doesn't work, I switch powders and do it over. You can also try a different primer and yes, seating depth can make a huge difference. Try anywhere from .005"-.030" off the lands, or right at the lands if your magazine will allow. Your rifle will show a sweet spot somewhere, you just gotta find it!

.9-1" at 100 yards translates into MOA which theoretically "should" still be MOA of a deers chest at 800 yards which is a lot further then most can shoot. If you cant tighten it up, I wouldn't worry to much about it. Load them up and go kill some stuff!!

Try adjusting your COL. If this doesn't help, try H4831SC and IMR4831.

I'd definately look hard at RL-22 as well. That and H4831sc worked the best for my 270 w/140 and 150's. Very good accuracy/velocity.
Seating depth will definately affect your group size.
.9 @ 100yds is nothing to be ashamed of. If you have achieved that without adjusting your seating depth I would say you have found a good load.
I have seen a substantial difference with a .005 change in depth.
Of course some change in seating depth may improve the accuracy.

The greatest improvements in accuracy seem to come from changes in the rifle like bedding etc.

You might change the bullet itself. Those groups are not that bad unless your shooting really far.
+1 on the H4831sc.
I shoot 57gr of it with cci200's in all my .270's with the 140gr BT and AB. very good accuracy.

On my .338 COAL made a huge difference. I was having trouble breaking an inch until I found what I now call "the magic length". Now it shoots under 1/2 moa with several nosler bullets.
I loaded up some h4831sc 57 gr made my o.a.l. .010 longer and shot a three shot group at 1.2. I am still .030 off my lands i dont know if i should seat out or in. Can rifles shoot better with a short seating depth? That is with cci 200 primers. :

Try seating your bullets .010"-.105" off the lands. Make sure they will feed through the magazine.
