- Feb 5, 2005
- 550
- 393
It was hot today, approaching 100 F. Using a 25-270 at 100 yards I shot 3 different bullets using the same charge of IMR 4831. 117 Hornady Round Nose, 87 grain Sierra and 75 grain Hornady at 50 grains. Usually these all get about 3/4", 3 shot groups. Today was 2 to 4 inch groups! Noticed the barrel heated quickly so cooled between each 3 shot group.
Then moved the target to 50 yards to try out a reduced load for small game. Dang if it didn't put 3 in 1/8"! I am thinking the barrel wasn't changing temperature so rapidly? Sure wish they hadn't discontinued 4759. Have about half a bottle left.
Know of any good replacements for I 4759 for 25-06? Don't get me started on TrailBoss.

Then moved the target to 50 yards to try out a reduced load for small game. Dang if it didn't put 3 in 1/8"! I am thinking the barrel wasn't changing temperature so rapidly? Sure wish they hadn't discontinued 4759. Have about half a bottle left.
Know of any good replacements for I 4759 for 25-06? Don't get me started on TrailBoss.