Reloading 338 Win Mag 225 grn and 210 grn Bullets


Jan 9, 2011
I wish I could find the secret sweet spot for Nosler's 225 AB but I have finally figured this out for the Barnes and Hornady bullets.

It takes aproximately 4-5 bullets to foul my Vanguard so that it shoots accurately. Thereafter the Interlock bullets are very accurate at 200 yards 7/8" -1 1/8" groups consistently (till I clean my barrel again)

It takes approximately 8 bullets to foul my Vanguard so that it shoots accurately. Thereafter the Barnes TTSX are super accurate at 100 yards 1/2" - 3/4" groups consistently (till I clean my barrel again)

I always clean the barrel after each range time, whether that be 20 rounds or 40 rounds. Even the 40th round using these bullets shoots just great accuracy. Now I am scared to clean my rifle! :(

Kinda an expensive way to get accuracy each time at the range.

Anyone else experience similar?
Keep on shooting it and practicing with it at different range sessions until it goes bad. Then you know for sure. For example from shot #9 to shot #56 you're accurate. After or before no.
338. Every rifle has it's own sweetspot for fouling. For some it's after 1 round, others can take more. I'm with Pop, find out how long it take to go bad. Remember, you are not using corosive ammo. 12 Accubonds to get one good 3 shot group, makes for expensive groups. I've found that in some rifles a good dose of CR-10 and a night or two on the Outers Foul-out remover can make a large difference. Sometime if your rifle is requiring more shooting to settle in, and has a very small window of accuracy it's a sign the throat is about done.
shoot it until it stops shooting good groups and them clean it and use 5 or 10 rounds of factory ammo like Remington to foul it an then start shooting your good stuff again.
Is the Vanguard Stainless or Blued? I don't clean my stainless rifles after I get then shooting right on until after hunting season or some obvious need arises. The blued rifles get the fouling a week or two before I leave. Of course if you're target shooting throughout the year that would be different. I've read explanations about why some rifles need to fill rough bores and throats. One of the suggestions was to bore lap with bullets rolled in jewler's rouge like Tubbs sells to smooth out those rough spots.
Some Excellent thoughts!

This is a blue barrel Vanguard.
For a while not getting "consistent" groups much better than 1 1/2" (guaranteed from Weatherby with specific ammo), I was thinking I should have spent the extra money and bought a better rifle. (this Vanguard was $399.00) Now I truly see that one just has to find the right bullet and seating depth for the rifle. She shoots consistent 4 shot groups at 100 yd of 3/4" or less (all 4!!!!!). ..and the most incredible thing is no fliers whatsoever. After over 500 test rounds and always always always getting fliers for most every group, I was starting to believe it might be me and not the rifle. Not anymore!! :)

My last three groups were all under 3/4" so I am going to let the barrel stand as is for the next 30 rounds and see how this goes. I am on company pager for the next two weeks so this test will have to wait. Going to research a few solutions mentioned.

I would imagine your bore was a little rough from the get go and now with a good amount of rounds down the tube it is starting to smooth out some. Glad you are getting such good accuracy out of it now. Sounds like it has really settled in and you have figured it all out. Talk about a great learning tool. Can't wait to get my 338WM a new stock and get the scope mounted back up. I really miss banging away with the mighty 338WM. One of the best there is! Scotty
Thanks Scotty. ...and yes I have learned a heck of a lot from real life experience and this board's members. Alot of team work. Thanks all.

I am also going to have my barrel examied by a gunsmith here in town for an opinion on the barrel wear. Hopefully she has a good amount of life left in her.
I have been doing battle with the 225 AB in my 338 WM for a long time now. I'm done, if she don't want to shoot the 225 AB I'm done trying to get her to. I have got the 225 PT shooting 1"-1.25" regularly. Not near as sexy as I had hoped but should do the trick I guess. I have had great luck with the 225 Tsx and might go back to that after I get the PTs shot up. We'll see how they do on bears this spring I guess. I suspect I will be very pleased.

I have found that it takes several rounds to foul the barrel with tthe TSX, but my gun likes them and shoots them well (.5"-.75" five shot groups). I wouldn't clean until they started shooting crappy.

The last time I tried the 210 PT, I didn't have much luck, but I only tried three or four different loads. I would sure try them again, they are great bullets!