Reloading apps?


May 18, 2011
Anyone know of reloading log data apps for iOS or Droid devices? Looking around and not finding much.
That's kind of what I'm thinking of doing, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel, lol, so trying to see if there's something out there filling that niche first.
I keep my reloading records on a spreadsheet and use an application called ATK Viewer. I can't work with the data or change anything on the spreadsheet on my phone, but I can review it anytime I have an idea or just want to see it. That's as good as it gets as far as I know.
My thought was to develop ways to capture data at the range, things like chrono readings, pics of the groups, load data, etc, push it up into a "cloud-based" setting, and then be able to access/manipulate/download that data from a computer and totally eliminate paper-based notes at the range. I despise paper.....i am terrible at organizing it, and I am much better having my stuff digitized and stored where I can search/index it. It's really just all about my wants/needs, lol, but I wanted to see what's out there before thinking this needs to be made from scratch.
I've gotten into the habit of writing down chronograph data on my targets at the range when I finish shooting, that way I don't need to unpack the chrono to retrieve the data when I get home . I just measure the groups and enter all the info in my spreadsheets and then copy the spreadsheet into my phone. Not completely paperless, but it's as close as I can manage.

A full-blown app would be nice, though.
Another consideration on going paperless - better make it work without network access and then sync up later, or many people's ranges won't allow them to use it. I use a paper notebook and write down everything. Then I compile it when I get home. What I need is an admin while I'm at the range...then I could just shoot and the admin could write, compile, and fetch targets.
That's the idea...capture the data and "push it" up later. I don't know of any range here that wouldn't permit its use, but many simply are not covered by cellular service.
By "won't allow" I mean because there's no access. There's no range officer at the three ranges I use most - except me. I shoot at two public ranges and somehow always end up being the default range officer in charge when I'm there. People just end up looking at me and asking "Cold?" so I just go with it. I don't mind being the go-to guy for that sort of stuff. I'm usually the guy with the most guns and equipment, anyway. The third "range" is the big field on top of the mountain at my hunting lease:


And provides about 1000yds of open shooting in the off-season. There's no cell signal (or range officer other than me) here, either.
We'll see what's feasible....but I have some ideas. Just doing my initial research now. I was hoping to find something already made, but in the absence of it, I may pursue working with a programmer friend of mine who has built apps in the past.

Thing is, he is a business man, and this is his livelihood (programming/web-based data storage). I don't want to lead him on a wild goose chase. May look into other apps to develop along these lines then, as well, to make this little endeavor "worth his while".
Man, I am still scribbling on targets and take pictures of them, then store the pictures on Photobucket for reference. I do keep the targets in binders though... Sorta like a family photo album!
Scotty, so am I, which is why I want to get things more organized!

Looks like Nosler has released an app that does what I'm looking for, so no need for me to push ahead with developing one unless I find the Nosler App doesn't do what I want.
I have the Nosler app and Bullet Flight. They are more of a ballistics program, not really a handloaders program. I have one app that amortizes cases, powder, primers, and bullets to show me how much is spent per round, but I know of nothing that can gather data such as reload info, attach a picture of a target and help organize. It would be a great application though. I take pictures of my stuff to record the data, but it would be nice to be able to attach it to a log that is able to be accessed via the net. Heck, it should include the gun data as well.
Another tremendous little program for shooting/handloading is On Target:

Once you play around with it and get used to how it works, it gets pretty easy to shoot a photo of the target, load it on your PC, and then get some pretty impressive group size and distribution info. You can even save these photos into your excel spreadsheets if you want...

An app that did this, coupled with load data, and range conditions, would be stellar. It would also be a lot of code, I bet.
Well, if you guys want it developed, I will see about it getting done. The only hitch is, my buddy who is a great programmer will need to have a reasonable chance of turning a profit to make this something he should spend time doing. This tiptoes into areas I'm not sure I should post on here?
Tom, I'm pretty sure Nosler won't mind you doing a little market research here on the forum. I can personally say I'd pay $5-10 for an app that did all the stuff I need for handloading, and was pretty intuitive to use. But that's going to be the key - it's going to have to be easy to use and do a lot of stuff. There are a ton of apps out there that do parts of what we're after for anywhere from nothing to $2. I'm not sure how many folks would have to buy an app to make it worth your buddy's while to do it, but I suspect we could all review it on the various forums we're on and he might get some follow-on business.
He could always offer a basic app for free to minimal charge and then offer upgrades for individual capabilities or a whole-house version.

I've just switched to an IPhone now and am running thru the gauntlet of shooting apps to see if any tickle my fancy.