I currently have a RCBS rock chucker that I enjoy very much, but........
I also have some Hornady new dimention seating dies with micrometer tops that I also enjoy very much, but............
The Hornady dies only thread in to the rcbs press about 1.5 turns before it crimps the case and I don't crimp those cases.
Hornady also has a "lock and Load" feature that I know nothing about.
Do any of you have a Lock and Load press or use the new dimention dies?
What do you think of them.
I also have some Hornady new dimention seating dies with micrometer tops that I also enjoy very much, but............
The Hornady dies only thread in to the rcbs press about 1.5 turns before it crimps the case and I don't crimp those cases.
Hornady also has a "lock and Load" feature that I know nothing about.
Do any of you have a Lock and Load press or use the new dimention dies?
What do you think of them.