Reloading room treasure!


Feb 14, 2007
I have no idea how old it is but I'm sure it was my gradefathers. I was just cleaning things out, and doing a bit of organizing, (ask Remingtonman, my reloading room needed it), and I stumbled upon this little guy. Back in the day my entire family shot the 300 Savage. I still have a 1920 bolt 300 savage sitting in my safe. Guess if I ever need to load for it I'm set!



Thought it was funny the words "make sure the case is lubricated" were highlighted and underlined in the directions.

This is the primer decapper.
This is the priming system.
That looks almost new. It is indeed a great find, allowing you to maintain touch with history.
Yeah it looks almost new. I'm going to try and do some research and see how old it might be.
I was going to guess late 60's to early 70's.

Thats pretty dang cool Jake. I've only seen 1 other set like that and it was an older guys and it was a 30-06 set.

Looks like it would be a pretty slow operation, but what else was there to do in the 40's and 50's lol.
Found a nother cool treasure last night as well. I knew I had it and that it was old but I had no clue it was that old! I have a Savage modle 1920 in 300 sav. Did a bit of research on in last night and found out that it was one of 1100 made in 1923! I'll put some picks of it up tonight and tell the story about it.
Those old Lyman hand reloaders are cool thats what my grandpa used for his 270 win and a few other calibers back in the 50s. I found a box of reloads from the early 50s.
Too cool. Seen them in e-bay from time to time .
Pop, wonder if they make one for your 375 SnipeTAC? Might have to use a pair of pump pliers though! Just kidding. Scotty