Rem 700 CDL SF in 30-06


May 8, 2015
Anyone have a CDL SF? How's the quality and how easy was it to get it shooting tight groups? I love the looks and style of these stainless/ fluted heavier contoured barrels sitting in the dark walnut sporter stocks.

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Never shot one, but they do look sharp. If you go into it prepped to do a little bedding and trigger work, I can't think you'd be overly disappointed.
Have no experience with the CDL SF in 30-06, however my blued and walnut Left Hand CDL 30-06 purchased new about February 2013 sports a timney trigger, bolt was lapped as only one lug was contacting the receiver upon firing, bedded action and barrel free floated. It now shoots very well and I am happy with it.

It is currently at a local gun shop awaiting the installation of a Gentry three position safety.

I found the Remington factory trigger to be very inconsistent and replaced it with a Timney before the trigger recall was published.

My CDL is about a pound and a half lighter than a Montana American Sport Rifle (ASR) also a walnut and blue 30-06 with 24" barrel that I bought not knowing that the three position safety could be installed in my CDL. The ASR also shoots very well and is a beautiful rifle.

The CDL with modifications cost about equal to the purchase price of the Montana Rifle which is glass bedded, barrel lapped and free floated. (Both are made in the USA..)

Good luck with your choice.
I don't know about the 30.06 but my brother has the same rifle chambered in .260 rem and it's a shooter. The action has been bedded, the bolt face squared and a trigger job. It's almost boring because it shoots just about everything that we've loaded in it. Here's the rifle .....
