This is my daughters Rem 700 SPS .260 that we've converted to a CDL. When I bought the gun I removed the plastic stock and replaced it with a H&S Precision stock that she eventually confessed that she didn't like. She said that she wanted a wood stock like she had on her Model 7 CDL that we sold. I called Remington to see if the CDL stock would fit the SPS and they verified that it would fit so I ordered her one. I bedded the action, floated the barrel and installed a Timney trigger. Hope to get to work on some loads soon. She loves the looks and feel of her new wood CDL stock. Only problem now is I have to take a second look when I get it out of the safe because it looks just like my 25.06 only about an inch shorter. She loves it and says that it looks just like Dad's rifle .
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