Remington Brass

X ring 7mag

Dec 14, 2005
Hey guys, quick question. Has anybody other than me had trouble with re-sized Remington brass? Particularly how well they do/don't feed? I've just finished a batch of 7 Rem mag, and four of twenty won't let the bolt close freely. I would normally question the die or my process, but during the fall, i had the same problem from some sized 06 brass (Remington).
kind of a cheap question but have you checked the length to make sure they aren't too long?
absolutely. in fact, each case was trimmed to 2.49 exactly. coal is also uniform with what i've always shot in this rifle. the only variable is the brass. after talking with some guys at work, i don't suppose that it's too far-fetched too think that perhaps the case was sticking to the expander ball and stretched the shoulder back out, but it's never happened before.
Another cheap question, but the primer pockets have been cleaned, and the primers are seated flush?
Do you have a Precision Mic. Mine are made by RCBS. I have one for every caliber I reload. Really, they are a must have.

I would take two measurements. First, measure the shoulder of the ones that will not fit, are they too long. Second, Measure the OAL. One or the other is going to be too long. My guess is during the reloading process, the resizing die didn't come all the way down. Either that or, during the process of setting the bullet the die didn't fully set it. (I'm assuming you are using a high quality bullet that are very uniform.

Just my thoughts, I hope you get it resolved.
I own a rebarreled Ruger no 1 (1976-model). Originally in 30-06, rebarreled in 2003 to 270 Win. The chamber is made to Bench Rest spesifications. I tried reloading Remington Nickel plated brass, and had lots of trouble. On the Ruger no 1 there`s no bolt to feed the cartidge into the chamber. When You feed the cartridge manually, You notice at once if something`s wrong. Had to pull the bullet and rezise about 1/3 of the cartridges. Accuracy was good, but difficulties in chambering lots og the cartridges.
Changed to Lapua and Winchester brass, no problems anymore !

I always use a full-length sizer on new brass. After firing once I use the neckziser.

I use Remington brass a lot, never had any trouble. I only turn the die down to just bump the shoulder enough to allow them to chamber with very minor resistance. If the case length is right, then the only possibility is head space or OAL. Can you chamber the resized case before loading? If so, the OAL has to be where the resistance is coming from. I do not believe the brand of case is the problem, though. Another thought, mic the base of the case just above the groove and see if there is any difference between the ones that chamber and those that don't. Let us know how you make out.

I have to agree with Blaine.
I use a lot of Remington brass as well with no problems
Try bumping back the shoulder.

hey guys. i've been working alot, so i've been slow to reply. thanks for all the input. i kept a few of the rem cases, but trashed the rest. basically, i got scared of them. i'm pretty sure that something was going on during the sizing process, but none the less i've returned to the winchester brass.
X ring 7mag":30xk8hz1 said:
but none the less i've returned to the winchester brass.

I always had good luck with W-W brass. I used a lot of it in 30-06 for hi-power competition. 8-9 reloads was the norm.
