Removing live primers


Sep 29, 2004
Guys, gals and any extraterrestrial's that may have experience doing this, I have a question. In my 30+ years of reloading I've never removed any live primers from a case. I have 20 cases that were given to me with primers and I want to take them out. What's your best method to insure you don't detonate one?
As long as you have a gun they will chamber in.........put them in your rifle, fire them, then reload them as you normally would a empty case with a spent primer.
I've removed scores of live primers. Use a depriming die and push gently. The primers will pop out quite readily. Wear safety glasses, just in case. They will explode only if they are hit hard from behind, in my experience. Of course, as suggested, you can shoot them in your rifle, but if you're in the house, your family might object.
DrMike":2o9p8ss4 said:
I've removed scores of live primers. Use a depriming die and push gently. The primers will pop out quite readily. Wear safety glasses, just in case. They will explode only if they are hit hard from behind, in my experience. Of course, as suggested, you can shoot them in your rifle, but if you're in the house, your family might object.

Lol. Yeah I wasn't suggesting he do it indoors. Those buggers crack about as loud as any 22. I had to do it a couple times in the same scenario. Old primed cases I had gotten that I didn't trust and also some loaded rounds I didn't trust that I pulled the bullets and dumped the powder. I just fired the primers through my rifle outside and I was ready to start from scratch.
If you use the rifle, just put the muzzle on a stack of newspaper covered with an old will barely here the pop.

That said, I use a decapping die.

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They were fired once from somebody else's gun. Will not fit in my chamber. I wasn't quite sure if full length sizing them And decamping at the same time would be prudent.
I use a universal decapping die. Just gently push them out and dispose of them properly.
Paul B.
If you want an extra margin of safety, give each case a shot of penetrating oil and leave them primer side down a day or 2. Be sure to thoroughly de-grease after resizing.

Personally, I just decap them with the FL sizing die on the odd occasion I make a whoopsie and need to do such a thing.
I also use a universal recapping die and safety glasses. No one else in room.
Decapping die, hearing and eye protection. fill them with water over night and drain before depriming. Done hundreds this way.
I actually did some tonight. I usually lube the case up well, extend the primer punch a little and slowly push the case into the die, to punch the primer out. Been doing it for years. The primer is made to ignite when struck hard from the front side, not the anvil side. The only unplanned ignition I have ever had was a live primer in a vacuum., it startled me but no damage. Safety glasses should be worn.
Why not remove the depriming pin and just resize? I have done this several times. I have also just used the depriming die.