Retumbo and it's uses


Dec 26, 2007
I really like Retumbo since I have just started using it. This really is a versatile slow burning powder. I have noticed in doing some research that it is being used with many cartridges and even though in some cartridges it does not give the best velocities (in some it gives the best) but it ends up much of the time being the most accurate or very accurate at the least. What I found fascinating was that few were using it in a 300Wby to push not 200gr plus bullets which it does well but to push a 180gr bullet using a starting load of 87grs and working up with good accuracy results and not shabby velocities. I know that Retumbo is relative new as far as powders go, but I think it is due some experimenting and we all might have some pleasant surprises. What is your take on Retumbo? Also what have your discovered in using the powder besides the fact that when you get to max it is immediately at max, which is not such a bad thing when you think about it?
I LOVE it in mk Tikka T3 LS 270WSM's I reload for wit 140gr AB's.
I have yet to try it for my 300WM as RL22 work awesome for me but I may try it for my buddy's 300WM rifle as his with RL22 is all over the place- we both have same rifles (Sako m75SS 300WM)

My grouping with the 270WSM with Retumbo is 0.217" for a 5 shot group @ 100 metres for one rifle and about 0.4 for the other.
I initially bought Retumbo for a .300 Rem Ultra Mag. It worked very well in that application. Sold the Ultra Mag and had a fair amount of Retumbo left.

I decided to try it in my .25-06 with 115 gr bullets and am very happy with the velocity and accuracy.

Regards, Guy
What load are you shooting with the 115s in the 25-06? Been looking at Retumbo, but I'm having a tough time finding it locally.
In general I like the really slow powders. A case full oflsow powder, somewhat compressed is often the basis for a very accurate load.
Antelope_Sniper":rywa3ub7 said:
In general I like the really slow powders. A case full oflsow powder, somewhat compressed is often the basis for a very accurate load.

Antelope Sniper, that has been my experience also and I am going to try it with some of my 300wby loads and if the Velocities are not to far below my other loads and it proves to be the most accurate load I will be inclined to ust it.
I started using it in a 30-378 with Sierra 150 grain bullets, at 3650+ fps it was too hot to group well, IMR 7828 was alot better with light bullets. Retumbo with Speer 180 grns grouped around 0.8-1 inch and I'll be trying it with some 200 Nosler AB's here soon. I also use Retumbo in a 264 win with 120 grain NBT's.
Another great powder is the Ramshot Magnum powder, it is a sphereical powder and really meters well, plus it is in or around the same burn rate as IMR 7828 & Retumbo

I'm one of the guys that played with the retumbo in 300 wby. I was about to rebarrel a very fussy early model ultralight and found it worked great with the 200 ab and then used quickload to "mirror" the barrel time for a 180 and shot 1890 tsx's under moa to 300 yds. I also find it to be pretty stable with temps varying from 20 to 60 degrees.

It is not good to try and categorize RS mag, I7828 and retumbo as being alike. There is quite a diff between I7828 and retumbo with retumbo being quite a bit slower. Rs mag is probably more towards retumbo.
Regarding why it might work good in the 300 wby I read an article where a custom gun maker found that H1000 was his favorite powder for his custom 300 wby's. Retumbo is just a tad slower....and I mean a very small bit....and that may be another reason it works well with the BEE.
kraky":1y5v37ka said:
I'm one of the guys that played with the retumbo in 300 wby. I was about to rebarrel a very fussy early model ultralight and found it worked great with the 200 ab and then used quickload to "mirror" the barrel time for a 180 and shot 1890 tsx's under moa to 300 yds. I also find it to be pretty stable with temps varying from 20 to 60 degrees.

It is not good to try and categorize RS mag, I7828 and retumbo as being alike. There is quite a diff between I7828 and retumbo with retumbo being quite a bit slower. Rs mag is probably more towards retumbo.
Regarding why it might work good in the 300 wby I read an article where a custom gun maker found that H1000 was his favorite powder for his custom 300 wby's. Retumbo is just a tad slower....and I mean a very small bit....and that may be another reason it works well with the BEE.

Kraky, would you mind giving me a starting load for the 180gr in a 300Wby using Retumbo?
I'v tried it in my 25 06 the load that worked the best so far with 115 gr bt is 56.5 grs and Federal 215 yup the first time I'v ever used a 215 in a 06 case the best groups I'v got with the 210 was about 1.5" @ 100 yards when going with the 215s I'v got my groups down to .70 with 56.5 grs and 57 grs was .843 @ 100 yards. so far Retumbo is not the most accurite powder I'v used in my 25 06 but it looks good enough to use for this deer season :grin: .
Bullet....with 180 tsx in my normal 300 wby with freebore (I'm assuming you have it too) I'm using 88.2 retumbo. It's getting me about 3250 with hornady cases and about 3220 with wby cases. 86 is doing great with the 200 accubonds but the tsx was the best load. For your 180 workup I'd recomend starting at about 86 and going up ...probably make up 3 bullets at 86....3 at 87 and so on??
POP":1ri67269 said:
270 Bee 130 AccuBond 70 gr

What kind of velocity are you getting out of that, POP? (At the start charge and at the max charge, if you don't mind listing it. If you do, PM me?)
The 70 was the starting load. I worked up to max and she did 3500 fps with the 130 AB.
WOW - a thread where I find I agree with everything posted. I'm a big fan of Retumbo. I first used it in my 300 Win Mag, then my 7mm Rem Mag, and then about 4 years ago in my 25-06. It worked great across the board. I no longer own the 300, that helps preserve the stock of Retumbo I have. It's hard to find on a shelf. Another good powder I've used in all the above was IMR 7828.
kraky":12ux8tj7 said:
Bullet....with 180 tsx in my normal 300 wby with freebore (I'm assuming you have it too) I'm using 88.2 retumbo. It's getting me about 3250 with hornady cases and about 3220 with wby cases. 86 is doing great with the 200 accubonds but the tsx was the best load. For your 180 workup I'd recomend starting at about 86 and going up ...probably make up 3 bullets at 86....3 at 87 and so on??

I tried up to 87 but velocities were low but no pressure signs at all so I will be trying soon your 88.2gr Retumbo load and will let you know how it turns out.