RL 19 load for 308?


Jun 2, 2011
My buddy has some RL 19 he would like to "use up" in his 308 to be used by his daughter. The plan is to load some "youth" loads with it. He plans to start her out with 125 gr. Ballistic Tip's. Could anyone give us a starting point for powder?
I will start off by saying that I am not s gun powder expert. I think that you would get better results with either SR 4759 or H 4895.
I don't think RL19 would be the powder for the 308. Youth loads or not, RL15 have served me well with the 150-168gr bullets. I'd "use up" the RL19 in a more bottle-neck type case, 243, 260, 25-06, 280, 30-06 etc.
I used to use RL 19 in 308...been a long time though and I forget the details...there used to be published data for it, but not any more it appears.
Thanks for the replies guys. We were just hoping to use it up but we feared if not a good match. Thanks for the help!

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