Rocky Mtn Elk Foundation study/video

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Taking a look at the elk population & calf survival in Colorado:

I'm happy to be a member of the Rocky Mtn Elk Foundation and have been getting more and more active. We've got a very active chapter here in central Washington, and just presented an award to one great guy for his 30 years of volunteer service!

That is a fascinating video, Guy. I'm a firm believer in research. I note with some dismay, however, that research is often politicized in order to promote an agenda. The RMEF (and other such organisations promoted by and funded by sportsmen) are a bright light in an otherwise rather dim world. Now, if the politicians will act wisely on the data generated rather than bending to the voices of the few lobbyists representing anti-hunters (leaf lickers and granola crunchers).