Ruger 264 price?


Apr 11, 2007
Hey all, I have a chance to buy a left hand ruger M77/MKII In a Win.264 mag. With a fluted barrel. Its in cabelas gun library for $499. I think this is a great buy seeing that the gun is in like new condition. This is also a very rare find for me since im left hand.

Any opinions?
Still won't go where it should,put 264 behind the m77 in the search and hit enter.
Unless it has a 26" barrel I would not....personally.
The 264 needs a 26"... if not get a 270 Win.
I think it is a 26" barrel, I am not 100% though because someone picked it up for me for christmas. I am guessing it is because Someone had a custom made stainless steel fluted barrel for it.

I already have a 270. win.

I shoot left handed so a find like this is a rare one for me. At $499 in like new condition i think its a no brainer buy for any lefty.

Sounds like a good deal.
Give that "Someone" my name please, I've been a real good boy! :wink:

Merry Christmas and conrats on a new rifle

If you are new to the 264 you'll like it I'm sure.

Mine shoots 120 NBT's with about 70 grns of Retumbo with great accuracy, but I've been seating them in the lands and that means mine is a single shot unless I seat deeper. Reduce by 7-10% and work up if you use this load as I couldn't find anybody with load data for retumbo and worked up that load from reference points given to me.

You may want to run your velocities and BC thro a ballistics calculator because this caliber has higher than normal B.C.'s, that in turn give it a better than expected trajectory. I shot over a couple of deer when I first started using mine.

I believe that Retumbo is in the new Nosler #6, but haven't got my hands on one as of yet.
I got that load off of they had listed 3337 fps with 71 grns of retumbo from a user name terry6mmbr details given with the load data named the test rifle a 24" barrel, rem700. I worked up to 70grns in a win m70 with a 26" barrel and it shoots great so I stopped at 70. velocity has to be in the 3250-3300 fps range due to a longer tube. I was seating them in the lands, but couldn't fit them in the magazine. I reseated the 15 rnds or so that I had loaded for hunting to 3.24 I believe, but the accuracy wasn't quite as good. I'll have to try to tweak the seating depths for optimum usability and accuracy, I'm not big on single shots even if I don't need a followup. It's nice to have another one ready.

I will make a note to anyone reading this: there are probably a lot of good or even great loads availible online in places like reloaders nest etc; however, get a few reference points from seasoned reloaders and reduce the charge 7-10% then work up to that load. There are disclaimers on those sites for a reason, and alot of those loads may be safe in one rifle depending on the quality of barrel, if there is fouling present etc, but there isn't a gurantee that it will be safe in yours. And if the velocity looks to be 100-500fps better than anything you can find listed in printed manuals, BEWARE it is probably a dangerous or severe overload.

In any case, if at all possible, use a reloading manual from the company that makes the bullets or powder.