Ruger Ranch Rifle


Apr 5, 2014
Brought home a Ruger Ranch rifle this afternoon.
Mounted a 3-9 Leupold scope in Weaver rings and headed to the back yard shooting bench to make some noise.
First try with anything 6.5 Grendel so very much a novice.
First try was with Hornady factory ammo to get on paper.
First shot at 30 yards was left off the paper but a scope adjustment got me close enough to move out to 100 yards.
Shot three just to check group and then switched to hand loaded 100 Grain Nosler Ballistic Tips after another scope adjustment.
The first three with a starting load printed lower than I like at 100 yards so another scope adjustment was made.
Ejected brass from the starting loads Looked fine so I shot the last three with a hotter load.
Results weren’t great but I’ve done worse starting out with other rifles.

Bolt action on this is really rough and had a couple of misdeeds. Seems the secret is to not baby it and work the bolt aggressively.
Trigger is a bit heavy at 4.25 lbs.
Nice. Shouldn't take you long to come up with a load. That 100 gr BT should be wicked on deer and coyotes.

Nice handy rifle. I have a standard American in 223 and it is one of the most accurate fun guns I have. MCarbo sales replacement trigger springs for about 25.00 and is easy to switch out plus reduces trigger pull about 1.5-2lbs. I like it. Dan.
Nice rifle! I have a standard American as well in 243 win for a truck gun and it's one of my most accurate rifles also. Amazing such inexpensive rifles shoot so well.