S&B Primer Quality


Jan 29, 2012
Has anybody else had issues with their small pistol primers? I just finished loading 1K rounds of 40s&w for a friend and have had nothing but issues with these. I kept getting stuck primers in my primer pickup tubes, as well as crushed primers while seating them on my 550B. I have had no issues with CCI, Federal, or Winchester primers and my Dillon. I'm thinking their production tolerances are greater than the US manufacturers. Anybody had similar issues?
Haven't used their pistol primers but really like their LR primers. They do seem to run slightly larger both in diameter and depth. I've been putting a slight chamfer on my primer pockets with a mil crimp remover and it prevents any issues. Have not tried them in any sort of primer feed device though. They are my new favorite primer for accuracy loads though. Have gotten great accuracy in every application I've tried so far.