Thanks Guys, every time I go up there I ask myself why do I attempt this shot when I know how difficult it is to figure out what the wind is doing? You'd think I'd head up there real early or late in the day, instead I was there at 9:45 AM. I took the first shot with zero windage just to see were it would land, as it turned out the elevation was close to the Shooter App @ 9.8 Mils and from what I saw looked like 1/2 Mil to the right. I spaced out about the spin drift, and didn't apply for the Coriolis effect when in the past I have (anything under 1000 yards that's a waste of time and not needed what so ever).
So I added the 1/2 Mil I saw from the first round miss and added 0.2-0.3 left for the spin drift which got me really close. So I knew to move fast before something changed, but these suppressors tend to throw off a lot of heat, which mean mirage, or in my case a white lower left corner, so I had to slow it down. A 15x scope isn't much and anything more would only make matters worse with the mirage.
I didn't have a lot of time either so that didn't help the situation at all.
You can see the 4 bullet holes though the Hardox Steel I shot @ 445 yards the other day. The paint missing shows the hit at the 5 O'clock position. You can see two hits in the dirt right below the hit at 5 O'clock.
Ok, you'd think you could see that hit but with a 15x scope that's just not possible? Actually I thought I saw a hit before that one in the center, yet I didn't hit it at all until the lower right hit, which I could hear the hit and saw it move. That was shot #6. The four I had left were all really close but as they close..... but as the say "close but no cigar". I also forgot to check if the can got loose, which it did near the last few shots which is a "no-no". I haven't put Tread Locker on the break yet which I'll have to do sooner rather then later, but the suppressor can still come loose during firing that should be check often.
I went out to test the load again but from a much shorter distance, 537 yards, prone up hill shot at the steel on the mountain side. 537 is a cake walk in a lot of ways, the first shot was at 12 O'clock slightly high so I held off near the bottom of the steel but the wind had changed and I had no wind call in the scope.
Not bad, the first round almost made it through the steel, and always counts the most. One thing I noticed is these bullets are were no longer punching through the HardOx steel at that distance, but boy, it sure does rings back rather loud compared to the smaller 6.5's.
I just measured my two finger spread, rough estimate is 2" on the last two shots.... So-So for .373" MOA.