Same Ole Question Again - 7 Mag What Primers


Jan 9, 2011
I even found a cople of posts on here regarding what primers to use for 7m Remngton mag.

I am hunting Colorado in second season this year
I will be using Hodgdon's powder for better temp insensitive control
I am starting out with H4350; will try H4831 if that doesn't work out

On all Hodgdon's can's it states WLR for 7mm rem mag?
What is the best consensus on using standard or mag primers for this rifle?
I always use fed 215 match on all my mags.
Anything that says Magnum on the case, I use CCI250's. Just the way it works for me. I even use them for the 35 Whelen with excellent accuracy with RL15. Scotty
The WLR was/is one of the hottest large rifle primers. Consequently, some people have suggested that they are as hot as many magnum primers, and in years past, they were often substituted for magnum primers. However, because of the longer powder column and due to the possibility of hunting in colder weather in Colorado, I would advise using a magnum primer. Fortunately, we have access to a variety of excellent magnum primers and any will work quite well in your 7mm RM.
In the 7mm RM, you will want to use a magnum primer. I always use Federal GM215M primers.

POP isnt wrong for using the Fed 215's in all of his magnums. They are never a bad choice. I have used 215's, CCI 250's, as well as WLR Magnums but never a standard primer in magnum rifles; one case I can think of though was when my Dad got a new 300 WSM a few years back we were doing the load workup on it and it seemed like the accuracy just wasnt great with quite a variety of different bullet designs and weights. Well we ran out of 215's but I happened to have some WLRM's and so we plugged them in and tried yet more test loads. The groups dropped an inch in size across the board. I don't really believe in flukes but once in a while things happen that just don't follow the rules. So in short, stick to the recipe called for from the bullet manufacturer and what shoots the best, and you will be printing tight groups and eating elk steaks because of your 7mm Magnum for many, many years to come.
I don't know about other places, but GM215s are still mostly unavailable around here. I did buy the only four boxes (400, not 4000 :evil: ) I saw at the new Fisherman's Marine store in Tigard. Realistically, 400 primers should last me for quite a while, as I don't load that much magnum rifle.
Yeah I know that song! I haven't seen any Fed 215's on the shelf since 2008. ANYWHERE!
Good thing we had 3 or 4 boxes stashed away before our beloved President took office and proceeded to scare the $#!! out of everyone! Luckily I too dont load as much magnum as I do standard so I am good and set for a while!

What is your 35 whelen load? I shoot one as well. Curious about the CCI250 Primer. How much does it affect your velocity and POI groups?

I also use Magnum primers in my 7 Mag, like Pop I use GM215M which of course are difficult to find. I currently only have about 600 left, more than enough for a while but you never know.

DON":14e8hls7 said:

What is your 35 whelen load? I shoot one as well. Curious about the CCI250 Primer. How much does it affect your velocity and POI groups?


Don, right now I am using RP cases, 59gr's RL15, OAL 3.34", Speer 250gr Hot Cor, and CCI250 primers. I have never used anything but CCI250's for the Whelen. These loads clock 2575 out of my CDL. I have 0 idea how it affects velocity or POI? They do shoot into MOA out to 300. Haven't shot them further, but I have no reason to think it would change. This is a great load. I have a bunch of 250gr PT's loaded up right now and plan to get them out soon enough and see how they shoot. If they do the same as the Speers, it will likely go with me out West this year. Scotty
I'm at the office so this is by memory.(which is dangerous).

35 Whelen
225 Accubonds
Remington Cases
RL15 Powder (not sure of the Charge)
BR-2 Primers

2677 fps

Curious what a difference a mag primer could do?

That sounds like an excellent load Don. I am not sure how much you would gain trying a mag primer but I can fell you this, it won't hurt a darn thing. The AccuBond is one of the bullets I have not messed with in the Whelen but i really would like to try it out. I would guess 2700+ fps is really possible. That would make it about the same trajectory as a 30-06 with a 180gr bullet. Nothing to sneeze at there. Scotty
I'm very happy with the current load. But wouldn't mind trying to tweaking it a little.The current velocity will kill anything I plan to hunt,with this gun, including Elk. I actually enjoy shooting the Whelen more than the 30-06 I have. Pondered the notion of a re-barrel job to 35 Whelen, That would give me 2-Whelens!!!! :mrgreen: Did I say that?

DON":2edcv68k said:
I'm very happy with the current load. But wouldn't mind trying to tweaking it a little.The current velocity will kill anything I plan to hunt,with this gun, including Elk. I actually enjoy shooting the Whelen more than the 30-06 I have. Pondered the notion of a re-barrel job to 35 Whelen, That would give me 2-Whelens!!!! :mrgreen: Did I say that?


While I love my Whelen (a Remington Classic) if I were screwing a new pipe on, I think I might try a .338-06 instead.
Either one would be excellent. There isn't too much either wouldn't do really well. I could be pretty happy with just a handful of Whelen cartridges and a good rifle. The CDL is a great package and if you happen to have a good one, they are great shooters that are moderate in weight and point really well. I would think a 225gr PT or AB would be the best all arounder in it. Fast like an 06 with a 180 and near the power of a 338wm all while using alot less powder and recoil to get it done! Scotty
While the 338-06 is a great round think I'll stick with the Whelen. Whatever I shoot with it hits the ground. Gotta love that.

I only use magnum primers for my 7Mag. I have CCI 250 and WLRM on hand. I have about 2000 and they should last me a few years.

7mm's Forever and a 30 cal. will "Slam Dunk Um"