Saskatchawan Wolf


Nov 8, 2006
Saskboy has a photo to share of a wolf dropped on farm land near where he hunts elk and moose. Dan should be along shortly to give us more intel on this beast.

Gives a whole new perspective to the childhood song, "Who's afraid of the big bad wolf"
Hey guys that bluff with pine trees in the background is my cousin's farm 1/2 mile or so.
The animal was spotted from the road & taken the same way. This is approximately 15 miles from the forest and not real good during spring calving. Unusual to see large male by himself unless he was forced out by the alpha male.
In the forest I normally leave the wolves alone but on farmland they are way to dangerous on domestic farm animals.

Good stuff, do you know what they used to dispatch that nasty old dog? Eastern half or western half of the province? Nice black hide would make a nice rug. Congrats to those boys!
Hi gerry no I was not there it was shot by a local farmer near my cousin's place. Within 1/2 mile of his place.
STW that animal was taken basically straight north of you.

It is always good to take them out of the farm country, his hide looks pretty good considering it is May already.
gerry, the snow has just left us in the last couple of weeks up north still has snow in the bush.
I never asked if the hide was salvageable.
My cousin stated that there are more & more sightings in the farmlands.

For sure, wolf populations have surged around here. Sightings are not rare in the least, and vocalizations have become commonplace.
It seems wolves are doing well all over the place there are lots here too. Ours usually start shedding out some time in April.
Pelts would be somewhat patchy here at this time. Perhaps in some of the higher altitudes, where the pups are dropped in the dens, there could still be some decent pelts. Down lower, however, they wouldn't be very plush.
Has there been a change in wolf management in BC/AB? If not, have wildlife managers explained the increase in population? Just curious....
I hope someday to have a wolf pelt hanging from a peg on the wall here at home!

For those of us who aren't used to them, the size of a wolf is often surprising. First wolf pelt I saw was black as night, hanging from a cabin wall in British Columbia. I thought it was a bear skin at first since it was do doggone big! The fur was pretty incredible too, very thick.

BeeTee":2lnh86zo said:
Has there been a change in wolf management in BC/AB? If not, have wildlife managers explained the increase in population? Just curious....

There has been no change in management for wolves. I would imagine we are witnessing normal population cycles. However, until this particular cycle is on the side of decline, the ungulate population will suffer terribly.
Right now the deer and moose are suffering here from wolves and other factors. In particular the deer were hit hard when we had a couple of bad snow years in a row, they just couldn't get away from them.

Guy, you are right they can be surprisingly big, if I get another one I will probably just tube skin it and hang it up in a corner of a room. I saw some at a fishing lodge I did a bit of work in that were just tanned and put on felt, the lower jaw of the skin had been cut off so just the snout and ears were still there, looked very sharp. I wish I had taken some pictures of them but didn't have a camera that day.
Wow, that is a great looking wolf!

Those black ones are downright evil looking!