Savage Hunter vs. Savage Varmint


Jul 12, 2005
Ok everyone. Savage seems to be shooters right out of the box. US made! and the Accutrigger is getting rave reviews. $ for $ a great buy, or so I hear. Has any one compared the accuracy difference between their Hunter (22" sport profile barrel) to their Varmint rifle (26" bull) and their law enforcement (24" Bull). Any other opinions on the rate of twist at 1:9. Should I be looking at a Vanguard (Japanese) 1:12 twist Weight is not a real issue and the cartridge will be a 223.
No doubt, the varmit weight rifles from Savage will shoot better than the sporter weight ones. Expect just under MOA from the sporter and right around 5/8 or less from the two heavy barreled ones. I've shot both the regular varmit rifles and the tactical (police version) in 223 and there's no noticeable difference in accuracy. Pick whichever one that meets your needs. The only difference is the tactical can only be had with a 24 inch barrel and the varmit models with a 26 inch tube.

I have a 10fp with the 24" bull, it shoots .5moa with 55gr BT's. I purchased it before the accutrigger and put in a timney. I have been overjoyed with the performance of the action and the 24" with the 1-9 twist. I wouldn't want the 26" with the performance I get from the 24".
I love the knowledge out there... You guys are the best!! Thanks for the advise, I now feel confident that I will spend wisely! THANK YOU!
I have a 12FV (varmint - composite stock, bull barrel) in .204 Ruger. Rifle shoots extremely well with my handload and the accu-trigger set to lowest setting. The only thing is, I am not fond of packing the 12FV around due to the weight, 8+lbs w/o scope and ammo.
This is merely my own experience mind you, but I find most sporter weight barrels will shoot just as well as the heavy barrels for the first few shots. After that the thinner barrel heats up more and is apt to toss the bullets around a bit. This seems true with many hunting weight barrels. It's not so true if you compare your sporter weight barrel to a heavy SS competition barrel. Just one mans opinion. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
With my best handload efforts, my 27WSM 16FSS with 140 Accubonds shootsh comparable to my 110FP 25-06 with 85 gr BT's - both ca 0.6 inches.
I like my Savage LEO model in .308Win. My only other Savage is a Varmint Model in 22-250. Both shoot very consistantly on game and at the range. This, even after the barrels become warm. I have to agree with what Cal said, "..but I find most sporter weight barrels will shoot just as well as the heavy barrels for the first few shots...." Sporter barrels must be allowed to cool after two rounds, or you will quickly see groups open up. I allow sporter barrels to cool for 20 minutes, minimum, in order to really see where that first round is going go, when fired from a cold barrel. If you buy the Savage Hunter, break it in properly and shoot at the range, while closely watching barrel heat, you will not be disappointed in the accuracy.