Save me some serious buck today

Desert Fox

Aug 14, 2006
As part of the continuing work in developing load for my 7WSM, I took dimensional measurement on several fired and resized case and compared them with the unfired case. I needed this measurements in order for me to figure out what dies to get. I'm contemplating getting a Wilson Dies since I have an arbor press. In the main time regular RCBS 7WSM dies will do until I'm done fireforming brass... that is up until today.

Spec: 7WSM
Neck dia: .321"
Shoulder dia: .538"
Web dia: .555"
Rim dia: .535"
Case length 2.100"

Spec: WW Brass Unfired
Neck dia: .310"
Shoulder dia: .530"
Web dia: .549"
Rim dia: .532"
Case length: 2.099"

Spec: Fired case
Neck dia: .312"
Shoulder dia: .537"
Web dia: .553"
Rim dia: .532"
Case length: 2.098"

Spec: Resized case
Neck dia: .310"
Shoulder dia: .536"
Web dia: .552"
Rim dia: .532
CAse length: 2.100"

When you look at the dimension of the resized case that was run through RCBS full length die, it is almost identical to the dimension of the fired case. So in other words I don't need no other dies. The RCBS will do. All I need is a Benchrest seater die to complement the RCBS. I just happen to have a Wilson 7-08 seater that is laying around so I took it to my smith and have it rimmed to 7WSM so I'm all set.
Scott Spencer":soteyt99 said:
Very good findings and isn't it great to be able to save money for more bullets and powder?! :wink:
Since when we save money in reloading! right Scott :wink:
DrMike":3ddie0eg said:
Superb result. Good for you, Rommel.
Thanks Dr.Mike. I'm stoked with my findings today. I run samples of once fired resized 7WSM brass in my Holland concentricity gage and they're within .001-.003 range with most fall in between. I was really impressed with the quality of the WSM Winchester brass. All I needed to do now is to clean up neck runout and I will have as close to perfect ammo.

Big pay off for taking the time to take those measurements.
Way to go.

JD338":1rs9yaww said:

Big pay off for taking the time to take those measurements.
Way to go.

Thanks JD. I started doing this with my 6.5-284. I figured, instead of buying an expensive competition 3 die sets from Redding. Why not just buy a regular 2 die set, send the full length die back to the manufacturer and have them rimmed the neck to match the neck diameter of your loaded round. I then grind off .002" of the bottom of die in order to bump the shoulder for ease in chambering. All I needed after that is a good quality Benchrest seater die. You can use the seater die that came with the 2 die set if need to, as long as you're careful with the way you raise the reloading press ram. I prefer however the Benchrest seater die. This is were I was heading. That was why I'm taking measurements.