Second Season Report


Feb 14, 2007
My youngest bro had an any elk tag and my next youngest bro and I had general season spike tags. We hunted hard for the first day trying to get my littlest bro his elk but didn't see sign, or anything. Made a few phone calls to some local ranchers, and a friend that works for the ODFW and no body had any beads on any elk. We packed up camp and headed over the the next unit were my other bro and I could hunt for spikes. By now we were kinda board and went out goose hunting with our ODFW buddy, limited out by 8:30 in the A.M. Back to elk hunting...more of the same nothing.

Came back friday night of the last weekend and didn't see anything, saturday morning was a bit of a different story. By 8:00 my bro had a spike shot out from under him, and there were elk every where. So decided to side hill around a few ridges and see if we could kick something up. We were in some of the more open timber (which was not very open at all) and I was trying to locate by buddy with a cow call. Next thing I know there is an elk charging right at me! He was close enough that i could tell he was a spike so I gave him a little bit of a lead and touched off a 260 gr. AB out of the 375 Ruger. That put him on his back and he never twiched again. The bullet entered just infront of the close shoulder and out the middel of the off one. When we skinned him out nodoby could believe that there was no blood shot all!

This is the second bull that I have killed with this combo and man I tell you I'm very impressed. Thanks Nosler.

I'll try and get some pics up this week.
Can't argue with success :)
Congrats on a successfull hunt. Pictures??
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Here, sorry it took me so long to get it up! This pic thing was not easy to figure out.
Well the hunting part wasn't to hard but we drug him out whole for over a mile to the nearest road. That part wasn't to easy!