she doesn't need my help


Apr 10, 2011
My wife and daughter are both first year hunter education graduates so this is the first year hunting that I have turned my focus away from my own endless pursuits of whitetails. This is also the first year that I have rolled any of my own ammunition. So last weekend was the opening week end of gun season here in Wisconsin and my wonderful bride and I managed to convince my mother that she needed to spend a quality weekend with our children. This presented the two of us with a rare opportunity to spend some alone time together :shock: we went hunting :grin: ! Opening morning my wife and I have parked our rear ends on a hillside in an area we have never hunted before and before long a doe and 2 fawns are chased to us by shots on an adjacent property. They run to within 30 yards and stop. The large doe is behind a very large oak tree trunk while the fawns are on either side of her. As we are waiting for the doe to take one more fatal step one of the fawns busts us and they all high tailed it out of there. DANG. We sat together the rest of the weekend but without any more opportunities. So I head off to work for the week monday morning telling her we will try again on thursday when I got home. While I am at lunch monday I get a phone call from my better half and she sounds as giddy as a school girl. She said, "I got one!"....
I said, "One what?"
She said, "A deer!!!"
I said, "What?" :shock: :shock: :shock:
Then she told me that after she put our son on the school bus at 11:30 am, she decided to go hunting by herself. She hopped on the four wheeler, drove to the top of the hill, loaded her gun, and crawled up in one of my tree stands. As she was putting her hat and mittens on, a large doe and two other smaller ones were slowly walking toward her. The large doe was quartering toward her at about 100 yds and she setlled the cross hairs on her front shoulder. Bang... flop!! Her 120 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip, launched from her 7mm-08, smashed through the front shoulder and lodged into the off side shoulder. I couldn't believe it so she sent me pictures. I am very impressed with her and the bullet. She said the lungs were shredded. Good thing her grandpa lives next door, she needed help gutting and draging but not shooting. :lol:


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Awesome story :) congratulations to your wife. I'm sure that was a bit of a shock for you to hear.
That is great, independence is a wonderful thing, plus now she'll be hooked for Better by more bullets you'll be reloading a whole lot more. hahaha.
Don't need no stinking husband around! :mrgreen: That's pretty funny, and a great job by your wife. As stated, you better keep her in bullets now!! :grin:
Congratulations to your bride. You, my friend, have just become obsolescent. You will need to watch your p's and q's; you can be replaced! Consequently, how much work did it take to convince your mother to have the children from the weekend?
Good for her (and you!)! That is one heck of a dear load she is using as well! My wife used that same combo for a few years. sure does a great job.

Very nice. Sounds like you're gonna need a babysitter every fall. That 120gr BT in the 7mm-08 is a great light load bullet.
That's way cool! My wife likes to hunt but won't get more then 10 ft from me. She's afraid something might eat her!! :shock:
DrMike":18wkj2m2 said:
Congratulations to your bride. You, my friend, have just become obsolescent. You will need to watch your p's and q's; you can be replaced! Consequently, how much work did it take to convince your mother to have the children from the weekend?
I really hope we are able to convince her to watch the kids annually this time of year... :grin:
DrMike":3084vfim said:
Congratulations to your bride. You, my friend, have just become obsolescent. You will need to watch your p's and q's; you can be replaced! Consequently, how much work did it take to convince your mother to have the children from the weekend?

Uh-'ll be home watchin the kids next year! Thats OK, from the smile on her face she's liable to come home a happy wife then too. Congrats to her! Nice load. Hope you get some time to hunt together too! CL

PS- She's a lot prettier than the doe....even before the shot. Maybe you can get along as the "official photographer" on her next expidition...... :)
cloverleaf":36nvya8i said:
Maybe you can get along as the "official photographer" on her next expidition...... :)

lol she used her cell phone to take all of the pictures by herself too!
Wow, congratulations. Thats fantastic that she would go out on her and to conect is even better.
