Congrats on that tag ! A phenominal experience you're about go through if you've never hunted these great animals.
Mind me asking how many years it's taken you? My hunting buddy & I both drew archery tags last year for the Georgetown area.
The only real advice is start doing alot of leg exercises :grin:
The one thing that I really took away from last year is that Sheep can see very and I do mean VERY well for a REALLY long ways!
Don't hesitate to ask questions - certainly happy to help where I can.
Yup, staying in top shape will be a key. I drew in S-3 Mt Evans area after 12 years. Thank to all who provided ideas. I plan on using a 308 Kimber Montana w a Leupold 2x8.
Congratulations you lucky dog! I saw this post and it got me all excited about drawing a tag here in Montana. This is year number 33 for me for moose, sheep, and goat without ever drawing a tag if I don't get one this year!
I wish you the best, and I think the combination you have put together will work very well for you. A nice light rifle with great optics. Enough, but not too much!