shooters math: 721+3-9x = 1.5-5x

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Okay - the old Rem 721 that ambushed me only a couple of weeks ago managed to turn itself into a brand new 1.5-5x Leupold today. Shooter's Math. Go figure.



As I explained to Fotis/Pop in a PM - when I bought that nice old .30-06 on impulse I'd broken from my goal of the past few years. I'm trying to simplify my rifle inventory, get down to the ones I really like, and use. Build the quality, cut the quantity. So... Reflecting on several yet undone projects, I decided that the old 721 & 3-9x would leave my company, never having made it to the range with me and never even getting a photograph. Bye-Bye old 721, I never really got to know ya.

Since buying the Ruger single shot nearly two years ago, I've really wanted a better scope for the .375 H&H Number One, and today I got it.

Am happy as all get out about the decision, and only a little wistful about the 721. Part of me is doomed to remain a rifle rescuer for some time I'm afraid. Just not right now. I've enough gun projects on hand to keep me busy for some time. The new scope is a welcome addition.

By the way... What the heck is the "Xtended Twilight Lens System" anyway?

Maybe I'll wait until twilight and find out! :grin:

Back on track, Guy
Man, am I ever happy for you. After many years of calculus and analytical geometry, may I say that I was utterly unprepared for this particular equation. I see that it works, however. Congratulations.
And to think math use to be my fave! :mrgreen:

You are going to enjoy the new VX-3 1.5-5x20mm on your #1 375. These new VX-3's are bright!

Nice trade Guy. That scope looks nearly perfect on that rifle! I know it would be my scope of choice for a 375 caliber rifle. Can't wait to hear the range report and what you think of the scope. Scotty
Guy, You will like the Leupold 1.5x5x20mm. I have one on my Rem 721 300 H&H. It is nice to put it down to 1.5x both eyes open, raise the rifle up in close quarters and see the end of the barrel through the scope. Perfect timber combo in my eyes. Hopfully I get to use the old 300 H&H with the Leupold 1.5x5x200mm and the 200gr. Partitions this year on my cow elk hunt. I can not wait till the hunt. :grin:
Guy, that should be a great scope for that Ruger .375 Number One. It really looks great on that rifle. I think that you are doing the right thing. Simplicity always makes math simpler.

I need to do that exact thing that you just did and get rid of a .280 rifle and a couple old scopes that I do not need any more. I just need to get off the dime and figure out how I will sell this stuff and get started.
Post them up in the classifieds here Charlie. Most of the guys here are pretty honest blokes (EXCLUDING MYSElF FROM THAT :twisted: ) and might take some interest in your gear. Scotty
Thanks Scotty, I have this 280 Rem, Browning A-Bolt BOSS (bought in 1995) that I have put a Simms Limbsaver pad on. It also has the conventional recoil device in addition to the BOSS device. With even factory ammo (Winchester Supreme CT Silvertips) it shoots close to 3/4 MOA groups and with handloads does much better. The problem is: additionally I have 4 boxes of Winchester Supreme Fail Safe, 140 gr factory loads, plus 2 boxes of Trophy Bonded Bear Claw , Federal Premium 140 gr factory load ammo for the rifle and do not know how to price it? These particular factory loads shoot at about MOA in the rifle. With 54 grains of IMR 4350 and 140 gr CT Silvertips, it will shoot 3-shot groups at 300 yards under and inch on a good day. The rifle is at least NRA 95% condition. Plus RCBS neck and FL dies and 40 once fired cases. I also will include Warne steel scope bases.

I just need to figure out what to ask for all this and the (6) boxes of ammo? The ammo is about $50/box retail but I can't get anywhere near that for it.
Great looking rig Guy! With pictures like that you're liable to set Fotis off on another spree...
Oldtrader3":3i5lzenl said:
Thanks Scotty, I have this 280 Rem, Browning A-Bolt BOSS (bought in 1995) that I have put a Simms Limbsaver pad on. It also has the conventional recoil device in addition to the BOSS device. With even factory ammo (Winchester Supreme CT Silvertips) it shoots close to 3/4 MOA groups and with handloads does much better. The problem is: additionally I have 4 boxes of Winchester Supreme Fail Safe, 140 gr factory loads, plus 2 boxes of Trophy Bonded Bear Claw , Federal Premium 140 gr factory load ammo for the rifle and do not know how to price it? These particular factory loads shoot at about MOA in the rifle. With 54 grains of IMR 4350 and 140 gr CT Silvertips, it will shoot 3-shot groups at 300 yards under and inch on a good day. The rifle is at least NRA 95% condition. Plus RCBS neck and FL dies and 40 once fired cases. I also will include Warne steel scope bases.

I just need to figure out what to ask for all this and the (6) boxes of ammo? The ammo is about $50/box retail but I can't get anywhere near that for it.

I wouldn't know either Charlie. Hard to tell what a rifle is worth. To some it might not be worth much and to others, it might be worth the extra bucks. The ammo, well, that just adds to the deal. Being a handloader like you, I don't really care too awfully much for factory. It is nice to have sometimes, but I think the dies and cases add to the rifles value a touch. Sounds like a sweet rifle. Scotty
BK":2hj6pzkp said:
Yep, perfect .375-and-up scope!

I had one of these scopes on a M742 Carbine 30-06. Talk about a quick pointing set up.....

Well, I didn't mean to imply that is all it is good for.... I think it would be a fantastic scope on something like a Model 7 in 7-08, .308, .338 Fed., .358 Win, or .350 RemMag.
Guy that looks like a great set up! I'm a huge fan of that scope. Thinking about putting one of those on my 375 R, and doing a little scope shuffle! Moving the 2.5-8x36 off the 375 R and putting it in the 338 WM, and moving the 3.5-10x40 off of the 338 WM and putting it on the 270 WSM.

I almost bought another VX-3 1.5-5x20mm last year for my 1895 Guide gun in 45-70. I ended up gettin a VX-3 1.75-6x32mm.
They are all good and the new VX-3 line of scopes are very bright.

Darned near went with the 1.75 - 6x instead...

I've got this "thing" about fixed 6x scopes, but that 1.75-6x would be a great one as well.

IF I was only using the .375 for an up close rifle, I think I would have just left it with a 2.5x compact Leupold, but I knew from the beginning that this rifle had to be 300 yard capable, and I like a little more magnification for that. So, either a 5x or 6x top end is very acceptable.
