I have been waiting until I could turn some necks to load for a tight chambered 264 I had built. After turning a few and then turning them a bit more I realized that it seems short throated as much as tight. The rifling is touching with the bullets seated .18-.20" deeper than spec.
I should have been more careful choosing the reamer. I beleive it is tighter than spec too, but it seems short throated.
Correct me if I am wrong.
From what I understand: in a short throated chamber, some BR guys will turn the neck quite down to quite thin and shorten it a few tenths to allow the bullet to actually be seated a couple thou by the rifling and align the bullet almost perfectly, eleminating runout.
In a hunting rifle this is not workable because the bullet could fall out of the case or be jarred loose by recoil while in the magazine. Unless one were to use it single shot and be very careful in handling the loaded rounds????
It will chamber loaded rounds without turning the necks, but the OAL just off the rifling with a 140 SMK is 3.18" or a 130 grain NAB 3.16" spec is max 3.34".
I got to fire it a couple times, but that was just proof firing the new barrel twice into a gravel pile with a string on the trigger. Now to load some test loads and start breaking in the barrel..... :grin:
I will still turn the necks and try that, but very lightly. just a polish basically. The range results will dictate what I do with this. I must admit that I am VERY curious what the chrony will tell me about that long 31" barrel....... :?: :?:
I should have been more careful choosing the reamer. I beleive it is tighter than spec too, but it seems short throated.
Correct me if I am wrong.
From what I understand: in a short throated chamber, some BR guys will turn the neck quite down to quite thin and shorten it a few tenths to allow the bullet to actually be seated a couple thou by the rifling and align the bullet almost perfectly, eleminating runout.
In a hunting rifle this is not workable because the bullet could fall out of the case or be jarred loose by recoil while in the magazine. Unless one were to use it single shot and be very careful in handling the loaded rounds????
It will chamber loaded rounds without turning the necks, but the OAL just off the rifling with a 140 SMK is 3.18" or a 130 grain NAB 3.16" spec is max 3.34".
I got to fire it a couple times, but that was just proof firing the new barrel twice into a gravel pile with a string on the trigger. Now to load some test loads and start breaking in the barrel..... :grin:
I will still turn the necks and try that, but very lightly. just a polish basically. The range results will dictate what I do with this. I must admit that I am VERY curious what the chrony will tell me about that long 31" barrel....... :?: :?: