SOLD......Turkey Call


Apr 30, 2016
After some prodding from the folks here, I made a turkey call to offer for sale. This one is Ziricote' wood with a copper playing surface and a glass soundboard inside. It's a little smaller at 3" compared to normal which is 3.5", but I feel that's the best size for copper. Ziricote' wood is native to central America and Mexico. Unfortunately it has become hard to find, and when you do it's quite spendy, but it makes a beautiful call with great sound. Some of the grain in this one is subtle and lost in the glare of the pics. The striker hasn't been finished yet, I was just testing some raw strikers for the best sounding one. This one is Osage Orange, (hedge apple) with a black walnut top. I'll finish it before sending out the call. A rough sound clip of it can be heard here: Ziricote' Copper Call I hate to say it, but because of the expense of the Ziricote' and copper, this one is going to be $70 delivered to your door with the striker.
Anyway, just reply or PM..First come, first served.

Wow! That is beautiful. The sound on the sample is excellent.
Thanks, Mike! I kind of think the sound clip is higher pitch and raspy like a young Jake looking to prove himself. Which, if you're the big boy in the neighborhood, them's fightin' words. There's a ton of different sounds one can coax out of it with some practice. Copper is not for beginners, but still not hard to learn.
Beautiful call!
Congratulations Dan. Let us know how it works for you this season.

Beautiful work. I was tempted to ask you to make me one when I seen the other one you posted, and I'm not even a turkey hunter. I just appreciate quality hand made stuff. You got yourself a good call I'm sure Dan, and a great keep sake. That was a good buy on your end. Good work fella's.
Beautiful work. I was tempted to ask you to make me one when I seen the other one you posted, and I'm not even a turkey hunter. I just appreciate quality hand made stuff. You got yourself a good call I'm sure Dan, and a great keep sake. That was a good buy on your end. Good work fella's.
Thanks. I’ll probably have more ever now and again. Good way to do something I enjoy and make a little extra to put towards shooting supplies.
Beautiful work. I was tempted to ask you to make me one when I seen the other one you posted, and I'm not even a turkey hunter. I just appreciate quality hand made stuff. You got yourself a good call I'm sure Dan, and a great keep sake. That was a good buy on your end. Good work fe
I'll give it a try out. Probably be a gift to my son or grandson someday. Dan.
Yeah, give it a run and report back. I have enough Ziricote for definitely one more call , possibly two., but before I start whittling them out, I'd like to get reports on it.
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