Some people couldn't care less!

Desert Fox

Aug 14, 2006
I was hanging around at my gunsmith friend's shop when a guy walk-in and asked how much he charge to install a brake on a rifle. He told us that he inherited a rifle from a deceased uncle and he has a hard time shooting it because he can't handle the recoil. He pulled the rifle from the guncase and my jaw just dropped. The rifle is one of the earlier model built by Roy Weatherby from an FN Mauser Action chambered for 300 Weatherby Magnum. The rifle is in prestine condition considering it's age. It does shown marks of a long hunting service. Also the gentleman pointed the dotted marks in the rifle's butt spacers signifying the number of deer taken with this rifle. I counted 28 dots. I was just glad that I talked him out into not doing anything with the rifle and keep it the way it is. Unbelievable!
Well, I know I guy who could do a beautiful brake, turned to the barrel profile and everything. What good is it if he cant shoot it? Iknow what you mean though. If he added a few more dots anmd made memories, I think uncle would approve. Just my opinion. CL
Almost anyone can be taught to handle recoil. I'm working with an RCMP constable who says that recoil from his rifle is a bit much. I think that an afternoon at the range can assist in handling recoil. DF, good that you were there and that you recognised what he had. Appreciation of what he has will go a long way to creating the desire to master the rifle.
Just spoke to my gunsmith friend tonight. Apparently there's more to the story on the rifle. The gentleman told my friend that a few years back when his uncle was still alive, he was approached by Weatherby to either buy the rifle back for $3500 cash or he can pick-up any Weatherby he wants in exchange. His uncle was the original owner and somehow Weatherby traced it back to him hence the offer to buy back the rifle. He declined. I was just glad that he'll keep the rifle the way it is and not do anything to it. There's a lot of history there. Heck! I told my friend, I'll offer to trade my Accumark for it. I could always buy another one.
Interesting. Dad has an old Mauser 98 that was built into a .257 Wby mag by the old Weatherby shop in Southern California. Grandpa had that rifle made sometime in the late 1940's or early 1950's... Still shoots pretty good, but to tell the truth, it could use a new barrel.
A great read is the book about Roy Weatherby, cant remember remember exact title, but written by Grits & Tom Grisham. Roy was truly an innovative guy.... And some of you have the "first ed rifles" How kool is that...
