Something has happened...


Feb 27, 2014
OK. So I have a 303 British #4 Mark 1 which is sporterized.

My wife took it on her doe hunt this year. It came back with a couple of dings and scratches that were not there before. Also, it came back minus 1 swing swivel stud. I asked her what happened and she said it just fell out... uh huh.

So I changed over the scope because I have a Redfield Revolution 4-12x40 that I wanted on it. I changed it over, no problems.

I went to the range today. I only use Winchester Super X (Grey box) 180gr. ammo with it. It seems to like it and has always shot well.

I went out to the range. First off I noticed that the forestock was a little more loose than it normally is. I don't have a bore sighter, so I just followed my shot all the way out to 100 yards. I got it on paper and then got it on target. No wind, temperature was about 3 degrees C. Perfect day. I let the barrel cool between each string.

I was hitting centre, and around it. I wasn't trying for a group, more just sighting it in. Although i figure I was getting about 1 1/2-2" groups. Not bad for the old beast.

However when I let it cool and went on to the next string........where the heck were my shots...about 6" low. I adjusted, got back on target, let it cool and then same thing. At the end of the trip I couldn't even figure out where my shot was.

So, I come home and tightened some screws. I figure I will head out again when I can get some more ammo and try it with the adjustments. I cannot see it being the scope as it is basically brand new and has been babied. I am pretty sure I did not do the screws on the scope rings up too much, possible I guess but pretty sure I didn't.

I think I will take the other scope out to the range as well, and switch them out and see if it is the scope if it still won't hold on target. Hopefully it isn't. I trust my wife whole heartedly, but I hope something really didn't happen to the rifle and she is just saying that nothing happened hoping for the best... we'll see.

Any suggestions on problem solving for the rifle?
This is "same story, second verse" as this very thing happened to me over 40 yrs. ago! I was moving a perfectly good weaver V12 from a HARD kicking 270win to a 243win because I liked the scope but hated the recoil. After the move, that scope never held zero again even though "visual" perception was it on, yet placed bullets everywhere but point of aim--especially low. Thus spare the wife but look at the scope with an evil eye!
Yeah i asked the wife again and she still says nothing happened. I believe her. If it is the scope, thank god its a redfield and the warranty is good.