Stainless media tumbler test Part 2!

jmad_81":3ug3ty9z said:
I used some generic dish soap and didn't have any Lemi-shine. I was pretty impressed. I think that the Lemi-shine would make it that much better. They came out pretty dang clean, but the primer pockets were not clean. I think two things caused this. The first being not having enough media per container. I think all my media got inside the cases and I didn't have enough left outside to really get every little nook and cranny. The second thing was that I didn't have any Lemi-shine. I'll add some next time and see how much difference it makes. All in all I'm very happy with it.

I'll keep an eye out for components to upgrade my system with throughout the summer.

I think you are correct about the amount of media. :wink: