Stimules(les meaning us)


Aug 18, 2007
This whole thang has got me mad.
Millions given to to banks/companies= no gain to US. New deal: Millions given to states/companies= no gain to US....New New deal billions given to whoever to get jobs going..When?: No gain to US...
We just borrowed, I don't know, how many billions (BILLIONS) of dollars against me, my kids, and their kids to fix a'holes that were wanting to make money, useing bad lending policies, cheating, lieing. They in effect, single handedly ruined my country. They should be held liable to us for the debts.
If I have to pay for this foo foo, give me a check for 15, or 20 grand. I will pay bills, buy food, smokes and beer and stimulate the ecomomy HERE.
We need a trickle up idea here boys, big companies and banks DO NOT TRICKLE DOWN.
Further note: I will never again vote for any politician IN OFFICE. Once your job and get out...nuff said....Sorry for the Soap Box......leave in peace...God be with you...don't bother....I'm broke........ :cry:
That is why the Democraps wanted Republican support on the bill, so they could blame the Republicans when it fails.

The BEST thing we can do now is get these losers out of office!

The worst thing about the bill is NO ONE READ IT.
Obama and the leadership in the house and senate did not give anyone enough time to read and understand the bill before they put it up for vote.
That is EXACTLY OPPOSITE of what obama said he would do.
His excuse for not giving enough time to read it was that this bill was to important to get passed right away to help our struggling economy out there isn't time to look at it.
To make matters worse the bill passed the senate Friday and Obama isn't going to sign it until Tuesday. That basicly means that he and the majority leaders wanted to pass it before everyone figured out what was in it. Now that it has passed the house and senate what's the rush? Were screwed.

I can't believe that the American voter can be bought with TV adds.
Now that everyone is all pissed off about what's happening they are finally seeing the guy(s) for who they realy are. When will the public learn to educate themselves by looking at a cantidates record and past activities instead of believing all of the campaign adds?

I need a drink!
And the reason they wanted the bill passed right away is the simple fact that the economy will get better. When it does, the Democraps will chant success due to the bill getting signed. Never mind all the pork........

Well if Obama would hurry up and payoff my house I could spend a lot more money on bullets, guns, huntin trips ( for all of us) beer, smokes,(gotta keep the farmers workin) more land(for deer huntin) and a camper ( to go huntin out west in) oh!,,, and a new truck to pull it with.(and more huntin trips) :twisted:
It is not funny....trite...or a silly thing.... I and my family(kids..their kids) have just been charged for a bill of goods that none of you or I would have bought.
How do you run your house? I expect the same from my elected officials that I put in office to represent me.........Damnit! They FAILED!
Sorry Fellas...some times I jest get carried...I'll jest shut up now and silently go away..............
Nope its not funny at all, and I value and am grateful for your service to my and your country. 7 years ago when I re-financed my house to pay it off sooner and also to consolidate some other loans, I was making money out the ying-yang. And saw no end in sight. This was not a loan made by creative financing, or a loan that I could not repay. It was a loan based on my income and the future of the industry I was and still am in.
Now 7 years later, and 60-70 thousand dollars less per year, I just had to re-re-finance that same house just to keep from losing it. Now at 47, with a 7 and a 13 year old, I am the proud owner of a house with a new 40 year mortgage.
That was the banks response to the first STEM-U-LESS package.
At least you are retired . I sir, will never be able to enjoy that opportunity.
I will probably die knowing that my wife will not be able to make these house payments on my survivors income. But I am not going to let this lower my self esteem. or bring me down. I can always look forward to the next election.
I hear you, JDMAG. We're more or less in the same boat. I don't know why people look at me funny when I say I am just proud to be working right now, even though I had to take a 60% cut in pay with this job. My former industry is imploding (biotech/pharmaceuticals) because of the lunacy and ignorance of the new administration. Be prepared for the worst sequel to the Carter years you could imagine. Oh, and by the way, healthcare is a right during the campaign season, but now that there is no way to stop it, healthcare is a commodity to be rationed by the government based on your percieved long term value after you receive the care. Does anybody remember Logan's Run from way back in the 70's? Seems like the government is about to declare old people unnecessary. I guess that's one way to fix Social Security - kill all those eligible. I know we are in for some tough times, but we made it through the Carter years, we'll get past this empty suit, too. I just hope we have freedom enough to peacefully oust these fascists when 2010 comes. And, yes, I know what fascists are, and I've compared the definition to what these folks are doing, and they are fascists, plain and simple.
Life is tough, Life is tougher when people vote stupid.
We elected FDR 3 times, but Carter only once. Hopefully we can take back at least on house of congress in 2 years.
Antelope_Sniper":1zymg5ox said:
Hopefully we can take back at least on house of congress in 2 years.

That would be a great start!

And now GM and Chrysler want an additional 22 billion dollars. The stimulus bill may very well push the US into depression, much as the policies of the Hoover administration set the stage for the bludgeoning of the economy by the Roosevelt administration in the 30s. The nationalization of the banks, the loss of privacy under the various health provisions and the pork are all a source of grave concern for every American. However, with the current House and Senate, the President will have free rein to experiment with the economy and the social structure of the nation. I do pray for my country, asking God to give us men and women of courage who are willing to say "No" to the relentless push to strip the citizens of freedom. Rant over.