stripping a stock?

Aug 2, 2005
OK...There is a very nice used custom rig in a gunshop I have been oogling... :p

It is a older SAKO action...high lustre blue nearly 100% 8) chambered in .308 Win. It has a 20" Douglas Barrel...about a #3 Contour (matching blue (100%)
The stock is a Wby Crown look a like with gorgeous wood/checkering, foretip, with a beautiful palm swell/pistol grip (ivory diamond) very high lustre finish...

It is topped with an older Leupie Vari X II 3X9X40...Conetrol Mounts

Problem :roll:
There are 4-5 deep ugly scratches near both sling studs...
Is it tough to remove the thick (urethane?) coating and refinish with oil?
The price is down to $699... :shock: I have never done this but love the rifle platform/caliber! 8)
Northwoods Hunter

That can be a trying task but to get a perfect finish you will have to strip the stock. They make products that will do just that.

For the scratches, take a damp rag and put it over the scratch. Place a hot cloth iron on it to swell the wood and pop it back. Then you will have to carefully sand and finish.
Depending on the finish, scratch etc, you may be able to to do a patch job. You can also create a satin finish on the poly coat by using #0000 steel wool and buff down the high luster finish and blend it into the patch areas.

I was a cabinet maker for a few years.
That said JD338 is right on track. for deep stubborn dents or scratches use the iron with a damp CLEAN WHITE rag multiple times.
There are many products out there.
The nasty ones work faster.
There are some enviromently friendly products but they are not so friendly on the attitude when it takes multiple applications.
Remove everything from the stock. Stripper will melt most plastic, rubber and could discolor metal.
Wear safety glasses and gloves.