Sunday with the wife at the range.


Dec 2, 2010
Well my wife came to the range for the first time ever. She shot the 22 and hit the 2" spinner at 50 yards. From there she sat back and relaxed. I shot my 22-250 with different oals and 2.005 at the ogive gave me .567". I think I am very close to being done with this load. I also shot a 2.708" group with my m1 garand at 100. It was too hot to go bow hunting so I went to the range. It was a good time.
I always enjoy having my wife and/or children and grandchildren accompany me to the range. Lynda is a great shot, and she handles a rifle quite competently.
Yeah, I love having Lori in the range. I can't wait to see her get the 25-06 out some more.. She seems to be shooting it really well.