Supressors legal in Canada?



Hey guys just a quick question here, I was wondering if anyone has taken a suppressor into Canada for a guided hunt? If not what are they stipulations?
As far as I know they are taboo.

Most any information regarding firearms regulations is availible at

If the information isn't posted you can reach the Canadian Firearms Center in NB @ 1(800)731-4000. THe phone line is a tele promt machine, real PITA, but if you call early in the morning you won't be hold forever. Since the RCMP took over the managment of the Center at least one doesn't feel like he's talking to the KGB and that they are trying to entrap you on the phone. LOL, have fun. As well, you outfitter should be familiar with the regulations.

Thanks, I'll call them this week. Do you know if there are any caliber restrictions for hunting big game? Mainly the 408 cheytac?