Temperature and humidity effects


Nov 22, 2011
Really becoming interested in handloading now. What is your experience with temperature and humidity when shooting? Does one open up groups or effect accuracy? I know shotgun patterns can be effected by both? Obvioulsy I would want to shoot in similar conditions when testing loads but that may not always be an option. I would like to give each round a fair chance! Thanks! AA
There is a measurable effect of temperature on accuracy; however, for all practical purposes, the effect will prove negligible. Some powders are more temperature sensitive than are others. If this is a concern, choose to work up your load with one of the powders that are marketed as less temperature sensitive (e.g., Hodgdon Extreme powders). Humidity appears to be less of a concern as the propellant and primer are effectively a closed system. They are, however, not immune to temperature fluctuations. Hence, there is a measurable, though negligible, effect of temperature on burn rates.
the difference in POI at 1000 yards is less than 2" from zero percent humidity to 100 percent