The Anti-Gunners are Crazy! Want Proof?

just another expert stating the facts . the sad part is she has probably convinced over half of them .
I wonder what was the response to that totally asinine statement from the other people present at the meeting? Of course the response could have been from another ignorant crank. Just wondering. :shock:
That is the best laugh that I have had today. Thank you DrMike for that. They are so dumb that they are "experts"!
The Denver Post's report of this stupidity gives a pretty good view of what happened. Apparently, this heifer compounded the problem by having her assistant report that she meant to say "clips" can't be reused. And she has worked on this issue for years! As one GOP respondent noted, her comments show that she is more concerned with appeasing her base than with standing up for the citizenry. Consequently, Larimer Country Sheriff Justin Smith urged people who have not shot a gun to "get to the facts... Let's be educated as we make this decision." Good advice, that.
And if that heifer is simply ignorant, then what shall we make of Obama? I suspect that he knows better, but has chosen to lie.

"Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues: gun control. (Applause.) I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon -- by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly."

Katie Pavlich has done yeoman service to shooters and hunters again by calling out Obama on this issue:
Obama just today was commiserating about how the Constitution "stands in the way of my efforts to confiscate all guns". I can not believe that any adult American with an IQ over 70 who can read, can support this guy and not see through King Pinocchio's treachery?