The Bucket List


Dec 24, 2011
We all have one...this is not a list on what you are going to do but rather a bucket list on what guns you have yet to own but WILL.

There is no right or wrong answers here. Just answers. Somebody's garbage barrel and action just might be someone's treasure for whatever reason..and the reasons are all good and justified. 8)

My list right now to add to my rather big collection is

30-378 mark v ...don't know why...just always thought they were cool and wanted to have a go with one for some 1000 yard and beyond shooting.

glock 20 I've owned countless of Glocks and I always say I will have a 10mm and I never get it. I will at some point get this.

50 BMG of any make :lol:

Any cheap sxs 12 ga...I lost two when my Jeep exploded..(yes like on TV) Been trying to replace them for a while now and I just can't seem to settle on one. Looking for one that can be thrown around a bit with no shame. Oh and a splinter fore end . I hate the beaver tail fore ends

Colt Anaconda again another not sure why but I really want one. They are a nice shooting 44 mag though

Any semi .308 "bad gun" Cetme, G3, Fal, etc etc..I don't care the make or style. I have so many 223 Ar's and right now I am looking for a semi .308.. Yep the damn Jeep explosion again :(

Of course it is so hard for me to say no to any Ar-15 and any 300 wsm or Wssm family rifles. When they are a good deal it is hard for me to say no. I usually say get the form.

This list is my gonna get list for the moment. Once I complete this list I will compile a new one I'm sure.

I always find it funny when the negative comments can fly from the significant other about having so many guns...but she sure likes to throw how many guns she owns when making conversation with her friends. She doesn't really own any but when the time arises suddenly those guns are hers. Amazing.
Not a lot of guns out there that I really want. Sure would like to use the ones I have more often though. And make some upgrades!

What I'll likely do is fit a new, high quality barrel to my .30-06, re-barrel my son's .257 Wby, and do a few other upgrades rather than buying any new guns. Doggone it!

For me there are 3 items on that list right now, in order:

1. 270 Win for my wife and me to use, if she likes hunting we will get another gun as well.
2. 12 gauge for waterfowl, not sure if it will be a Browning BPS or a LH Benelli Montefeltro.
3. 223 or maybe a 222 for cheap, fun reloading, and varmint hunting.
I've wanted an 8X68S. I can't justify it, but I don't suppose I have to do so. I have another 7X57 coming and a 284 Win in the making. I suspect that before I leave this terrestrial orb I'll somehow manage to snag a Model 86. o Again, I surely can't justify it, but I'm not inclined to worry overly much about such trifles. I've often thought about a 7X64 Brenneke and a 7X61 S&H. An accurate 220 Swift would be quite nice, as well.
Good question.
I am intrigued by (which means they eventually show up here)
270 wby
9.3 x 62
280 AI
The new 17 rimfire (maybe) or if not that the hornet
A fast twist 22-250
A few more handguns, the 41 mag Blackhawks look interesting and another 1911 or so and maybe a 327?

In descending caliber order:

.375 H&H, RUM or Snipetac OR all three
350 Rem Mag
338 RUM/Edge
Like Doc Mike, an 8x68S in a Ruger No. 1 would be pretty sweet.
Another 300 Win Mag couldn't hurt :wink:
Long action .308 Win
Semi-Auto .308
7mm Rem Mag
Still undecided on the 6.5/.264 Category, but I'm thinking of the 6.5-284
243 Winchester
Not sure if what I want is anything I really need:

Nice anschultz .22 target
A lightweight back country rifle in either 260 or 6.5 RM
Finally build a 7mm practical or 7 stw

I'm pretty much covered in all those areas now just not with those Cals. As a single income young family, plans for those may be on hold for some time.
I've wanted an 1885 since I was a kid, and last year's run in 6.5x55 would be perfect. Second place would be a CZ 527 in either the American version and .223, or the walnut Varmint version in .204. Lastly, I've always wanted a .22 Hornet in a Contender. The new .17 Hornet might be even better.
I would love a 348 Winchester and a Pre 64 375 H&H.

Pretty sure I would be jumping up and down with those two around the house!
I am wanting a M700 LSS 375 RUM, M48 Legacy 25-06 and an AR-15 for now........


.35 Whelen
45-70 Quigley
Sig P239 DAK

Not fancy, not hard to get, and nothing extreme.
35 Whelen Model 700 BDL with a 1 in 12 barrel
222 Rem Model 788
M1903A3 Springfield with matching S/Ns
Marlin 1895GS
480 Ruger SRH
22 Hornet CZ 527Lux

If I were to have enough time and money to partake in an African plains game hunt, I would add a 416Rigby CZ550 Safari Magnum.
Big bore lever 444 or 45-70
35 Whelen pump
17 center fire
204 Ruger
WSM or some kind
A long range rifle to really reach out there.
I will have everything I want or need plus more, once my build gets here this month.
.22 Hornet
.222 Remington
.240 Weatherby
.260 Remington/6.5x47 Lapua
.280 Remington
.338 WinMag
.340 Weatherby
.338 Edge
.338 Lapua
.375 H&H
.375 Ruger
.375 Weatherby
.404 Jeffery
.470 Nitro
.470 Capstick

.223, .22-250, .243, .250 Savage, .257 Roberts, 7x57, .280, .338-06, .375

.22-204, 7 Mashburn, 7-375 Ruger, .338-375 Ruger, .358-375 Ruger
Rugar #1 in 300 H&H
Nosler Legacy in 300 H&H (if they would flipping make one!)
Fast twist 22-250AI
Lever action 500S&W (I think this would be the ultimate brush/dark timber gun)
35 Whelan bolt action
.17 hornet bolt action
280AI bolt action
And some sort of tack driving 22LR bolt action to screw my suppressor onto for some really quiet fun!
I'd like to have another .22 Hornet or K-Hornet. I had a Krico at one time that was stolen.
a .375 Snipetac/.338 Snipetac/.510 Snipetac switch barrel (This one might happen relatively soon)
a .50BMG or .416 Barrett
I might do a .375-.338 Lapua Imp. too.
Finishing my AR15 and AR10 lowers (might not ever shoot them but it would be nice to have them done)
Build a pretty wood stocked CRF rifle to take back to Africa in .416 Rem., .458 Lott, or .470 Capstick.

Right now that is it but I'm sure some of that will change in a month or two.
I'm not sure I have a bucket list since my ADD is so bad I can't keep anything on it.

My next purchase is a Krieghoff K-80 combo though.