The Modern Hunter

Bruce Mc

Oct 26, 2005
I was watching a " hunting show" on one of the outdoor channels and had to laugh. Some guys on a Texas ranch hunting whitetail and talking about all the modern equipment. A nice sniper rifle with a suppressor, 200 power scope with Lazer rangefinder bullet drop and wind compensator, wearing digital camo made of space age materials that can keep you warm and dry in an artic blizzard with odor suppressant features. They crawl up in a deer blind and light up the buddy heater and go to hunting deer that are penned up in the 100 acre woods.
Man that's tough hunting. There used to be a guy on the Outdoor Channel that hunted with a long bow think his name was Tred Barta. He used the basics, wind direction, movement. Wasn't into alot of things that are used, taken for granted today. He had a stroke and was in a motorized wheelchair last I saw him. He was a hunter.
Call me crazy but I think at some point, all this extra tech takes the fun out of hunting. I like winging lead at steel as far away as possible at the range as much as the next nimrod. But hunting has become a lot more like a glorified version of “Battleship” than the gentlemanly sport of fair chase.

It isn’t only technology however that has created this change. Land access, expensive pay hunting, canned hunts, point creep, shorter seasons, smaller units, tag reductions, reintroduction of predators, wildfires, urban sprawl (habitat reduction), etc. have all worked together to create this monster. 🤷‍♂️

I wonder what Teddy would do to fix this mess if he were around today?