The view headed for the heap

Unfortunately my Mother is one who watches it regularly.
She is 87, and grew up in a time when news was news, and not all the biased opinion that it is now.
She is part of the demographic that watches this swill.
We’ve had some less than nice discussions about this show, when she ever brings it up now or talks about it I just change the subject.
Also unfortunate is that they influence how she votes, and she trusts them explicitly.
“Why would they lie about that”.
They should be held accountable to the lies and disinformation that they spread. They spout their opinions as truth and are very ignorant to most of what they speak!
I mean really, the view doesn’t even acknowledge they spew crap. At least Fox News admitted in court people should not believe them as they are liars, it was their defense when sued. ABC or was it NBC. Can’t keep track of that zoo either, fell on their sword for calling Trump a rapist, he’s not he was convicted of sexual abuse according to Trumps law suit.
The end result for me is quite simple I don’t believe any of them, Fox to ABC, NBC, PBS or any other unless I can verify the information. I think it has gotten out of control regarding both Trump and Biden. I have watch either of them speak, beginning to end and five minutes later had one of the news agency’s miss quote or cut the tape, taking their comments out of context to meet their agenda. We as the body politic have allowed this to happen for not calling bull shit on all the news programs as they became opinion pieces not new organizations.
Reagan said it best “trust but verify”
I think Americans fell short when they allowed congress to go past
“And congress shall make no laws” against xyz

It was our job to hold them responsible and we didn’t…..

Why on earth would we give the govt the power of the department of indoctrination

Sorry education……
I mean really, the view doesn’t even acknowledge they spew crap. At least Fox News admitted in court people should not believe them as they are liars, it was their defense when sued. ABC or was it NBC. Can’t keep track of that zoo either, fell on their sword for calling Trump a rapist, he’s not he was convicted of sexual abuse according to Trumps law suit.
The end result for me is quite simple I don’t believe any of them, Fox to ABC, NBC, PBS or any other unless I can verify the information. I think it has gotten out of control regarding both Trump and Biden. I have watch either of them speak, beginning to end and five minutes later had one of the news agency’s miss quote or cut the tape, taking their comments out of context to meet their agenda. We as the body politic have allowed this to happen for not calling bull shit on all the news programs as they became opinion pieces not new organizations.
Reagan said it best “trust but verify”
You nailed it. I also believe that with A.I. writing so much of the content, mis quotes and misinformation will be at the forefront going forward. I cannot stand reading news pieces that are not proofed. I am also thankful that my kids are of the age that they are not using A.I. to do their schoolwork. Using actual sources for data has gone the way of the Dodo.