This is Getting Out of Hand


Nov 8, 2006
Democratic lawmakers (of course) proposed legislation requiring California gun owners to buy liability insurance to cover damages or injuries caused by their weapons.

According to the article, similar legislation has been proposed in Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and New York. Wow! You wouldn't think those states would take such a liberal stand, would you? :evil:

It really is time to consider legislation in sensible states to demand that gun-free zones and non-firearm owners purchase liability insurance to cover injuries that occur because they are leeching off the remainder of society for protection. :twisted:

See this thread:
One thing for which you have to give Liberals credit is, that they never stop being boors and jerks, not for one moment of their screedy little lives!
How do we stop this? These people don't listen. In all of my years of gun ownership, they have cost $0 of damage. Why should I have to pay for insurance?
I swear, the liberals do nothing more than spend every waking moment coming up with ways to destroy the America as our Forefather's founded and visioned.
They just aren't happy, if they aren't treading on life freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
And now, it is Colorado Dems attempting to compel owners and makers of "assault=style weapons" to be held legally liable for crimes committed with their guns.

I still believe those without weapons should be held liable if they are injured in any crime. And owners of gun-free zones should be compelled to purchase liability insurance should anyone be injured in their facilities. I would say insurance in the amount of $10 million per person entering the gun-free zone would be a good starting place. :twisted:
The thing to remember is, if this law is passed, and declared constitutional, it's precedent. Precedent is a nasty sword that cuts both ways. If I have to be insured, I will find ways to introduce legislation and get it passed so that you, too, have to be insured.

I've been saying for a while now that the answer to all our problems has been given to us by SCOTUS in the obamacare decision. It is now fully constitutional to impose a tax for a lack of "proper" behavior. Well, it's proper to save for retirement, right? And to take care of one's children (food, clothes), right? And to work for what you get, right? Well, we're sitting on the goldmine of turning the liberals' ideas back on them. It's pretty simple, really. Impose a 10% tax on every wage earner - regardless of income level - and put that into a retirement account for that wage earner. That'll fix social security. Impose a tax that would equate to the cost of feeding and clothing children on folks who don't do it. Now we no longer need school lunch programs or WIC or any of that stuff. Impose a tax on unemployment, whereby people who are unemployed must then either "take whatever we find for you to do" in order to receive the check, or find a job of your own choosing and go work at it. It would put an end to the long term unemployment coverage issue - or at least an end to people sitting on their arses collecting a check. The beauty of this system comes in the enforcement. Unlike a lot of scenarios, where civil and criminal law can't really rectify the issue effectively, if you are outside the law on these issues, you become a tax cheat and everything you have, including the $10k worth of rims and stereo in the car, or the $5k worth of jewelry, or the cellphone and cable TV, or whatever else, can be confiscated by the government and sold off to cover the cost.

It's time to out-lib the libs. We could, in theory, legislate self-reliance back into being. Make it so untenable for libs to live in this country that we end up a conservative nation once again.
Its going to get worse before it gets better.
We need to get these morons fired.
