

Feb 24, 2006
Does anyone have a trick for touching up any scratches etc in the gloss Leupy scopes ?

I would call Leupold Customer Service. They might do it for you.

is it the glass or the glossy scope thats scratched? maybe just a black sharpie marker?
I looked on their page thinking they may have a special marker or something, but found under the Q&A section that if scratched, the tube needs to be replaced......

It's the tube area... actually ring marks. I've used a sharpie a couple of times, but doesn't seem to last....
Powerstroke":2jlzhtdw said:
Does anyone have a trick for touching up any scratches etc in the gloss Leupy scopes ?


Powerstroke what are you doing with that rifle sir? I tell my wife she has to sacrifice her body for the gun. She goes down, the rifle stays in her hands, and her hands go up. Body down, rifle up! It didn't work very well for me............ :twisted: :cry:

Birchwood Casey makes neat little marker type pens that are used to touch up bluing on rilfes and barrels. I don't know why that would not work on the scope. They make different shades of the color black. I have in front of me right now one called Super Black that says it is GLOSS BLACK, so I believe that would fit the finish on that scope of your perfectly. The regular black marker would probably be a cheap fix took, but this might match a tad better and last a bit longer. I've used it on a couple of pistol barrels that see a lot of getting into and out of a holster and show blueing wear. Hope that helps.
I would try this stuff. I think it will work for you and be a lot easier and cheaper than having a new scope tube put on. Certainly don't have anything to lose!! 8)

6mm Remington,

Thank you... I'll attempt to grab some on the way back from yote hunting in the a.m. That may potentially be just the "trick"

I'm gun happy and scope poor. After looking at Leupys web-site and datiing the scope, it appears it's been in the family since 1983. Unfortunately this is one that gets moved around a lot depending on the time of year etc. Of late it has spent a lot of time on the wife's .260 :wink: but she has yet to put a scratch on either the gun or scope.
I've used that before for minor touch up. Looks good from far and far from does a decent job of hiding small blemishes.
YoteSmoker":mbm9kgsz said:
I've used that before for minor touch up. Looks good from far and far from does a decent job of hiding small blemishes.

Your'e killing me YoteSmoker! :) :? That's pretty funny stuff. I'm going to try and translate what you just said. Let me know how I do?

"I've used this stuff before. It looks okay, but isn't perfect. It does the trick for a while, but you do have to touch it up once in a while to keep it looking okay, and it's really not designed for large areas where blueing has been worn off.

How did I do? :lol: You are a good man!
I've used this stuff before. It looks okay, but isn't perfect. It does the trick for a while, but you do have to touch it up once in a while to keep it looking okay, and it's really not designed for large areas where blueing has been worn off.

He said all that? Wow! English sure is a complicated language.
That about sums it up. I used it on my dad's Bushnell 3200 that I tightened down to hard in the past. Even though it went on gloss it dried a little flatter than the gloss finish of the scope. I mounted it on a really nice Browning BBR 30-06 and took it to him last April. He never yelled at me about his scope so I figure either he was practicing grace or he didn't notice as much as me. I also gave him my 243 a-bolt with a brand new 3200 both in stainless. That probably had more to do with him not being upset than anything!
I contacted Luepy customer service about the same thing several yrs, at that time the did not offer any type of finish restoration. However they did refer me to some guy that offers to do custom finishes on scopes. Who knows, maybe thats the same cat that "may" do the "custom finishes" they offer.

If I think of the place, I'll post it later.

I use the Birchwood casey market or the sharpies. Nothing will make it look new. but for anal retentive OCD personnel like me.....I can sleep better at night.