Tru Tool...concentricity fixer and .......annealing advisor.


Mar 7, 2012
I been tinkering with this tool for a week now and really like what my $30 investment is doing.
First off I'm not necessarily a believer that every round has to have zero runnout to shoot good....but I've seen enough good posters say they like the tool not to spend $30. Eliminating runnout as a variable (and this does it quick and ez) is obviously not a bad thing.
But...I found another thing its doing for me. It pretty much tells me which brass needs annealing. I've been tinkering on some factory rounds I have here as well as some of my own reloads. I've seen some brands of factory stuff that was almost impossible to move in either the tru tool or my hornady straigtener. But Win brass and norma moves so nice and smooth its almost fun to tinker with it. And I'm thinking I'm seeing why this brass ALSO SEATS WITH THE MOST CONSISTANT SEATING PRESSURE and winds up with the least runnout in the first place. My strategy from here on out will be...if it doesn't move fairly ez with the tru tool....its gonna be annealed.
Kinda thinking this is one of the best $30 I've spent in a long time and looking forward to more tinkering.
Link or Pic so we can see what you're writing about?
Who makes it? What's it's proper name?

Yup...I was skeptical at how accurate you could "model" alignment but w/a little practice its pretty ez..especially w/proper temper of the neck.
I also have a hornady unit which I haven't given up on.
The plus w/tru tool is the entire neck moves keeping bullet to neck tension the same.
There are people who don't like the hornady cause they feel it slightly disturbs neck tension.
I just ordered one to try it out. I have seen them before but you never know how much of a gimmick it might be.
I think it will be especially useful if it helps to determine when to anneal.

Thanks for the tip.
I have a RCBS Casemaster Gauging Tool with which I can measure runout. However since I started using Forster Benchrest FL forming and seating dies I have not had many issues. My runout now is seldom more than .001.

Clever tool though!
That is phenominal oldtrader!

Dr Vette...think you'll like this little gadget. I was a little neutral at first but the more I tinkered the more I liked!
I just bought a concentricity tool, and it is interesting already to see how different methods produce drastically different results. We will see what this new tool tells me.