TTSX 168gr bullet and the 150gr E-Tip


Dec 26, 2007
I have calculated the difference between the 100gr TSX gr bullet with a BC of 370 for the 25 Cal and the 100gr TTSX which they do not give a BC for yet to be a difference of 14% which is a ball park figure considering the difference between their 168gr TSX and 168gr TTSX is 14%. So a ball park BC for the 100gr TTSX is some where in the neighborhood of 14% which would make the BC 421. The BC for the 168gr 30 Cal 100gr TTSX is 470 and the BC for the 150gr E-Tip is 469.

I say the above to note that if Nosler can get a BC of 469 out of 150gr E-Tip and Nosler has to use a 168gr TTSX to get a BC of 470, I can't wait to see the BC of a 100gr E-Tip for the 25 cal.
POP":1m7rqdlj said:
Sounds about right!

Yep, the only thing left is the production of the 100gr E-Tip 8)

Well got to run the grandkids are here :lol: :lol: :lol:
POP":3a2qz1tm said:
Give it some time...... :lol:

Don't worry POP, I will be patient because the waiting will really make me hungry for the E-Tip and it will be something to do that is fun when it does come out. I know it will be a reality and that is cool. :grin: