Unbelievable range report


Jan 2, 2005
WOW, going to the range today and trying out my new chronograph brought me an unbelievable surprise. I was trying out different loads with my new 257 accumark through the chronograph. I was getting pretty good groups from my various loads but I thought the velocity was pretty low for the AccuBond with rl22. I was getting 3370 fps avg with sd of 12, groups around 1" as usual. Well, when I went to my pet load with 71 gr. imr 7828 the velocity went up 120fps and get this, the sd was 0. Yes that's right 0. I shot 3 consecutive shots at 3490 fps. The second shot registered dup shot 1 and the 3rd shot registered dup shot 2. I've never seen this in all my years of reloading. The 3 shot group measured .225" by the way. I think I'm through looking for the right load. I can't, for the life of me, beat this load on paper and now on the chronograph. :grin:
I have not seen it either but I would be happy with the results.

Outstanding! Congratulations on the load. Whats funny is that there are a few that claim RL22 is temp sensitive, etc but it is one of the best powders I have ever used in several calibers.

I just got back from the range this afternoon, I left the Oehler 35 in the truck and walked in after I got my PU hung up in the snow. Guess I will have to wait another 3-4 weeks for the snow to melt before I can clock some loads.


Thanks for the loading info. I'm going to try that one myself and see how my 257 likes it.
Good Shooting
Elkhunt :grin:
Thanks guys, now i have another dilemma(of sorts). I recently bought some rl 25 in search of the perfect load because my rifle seems to prefer the slower powders. I will be testing some rl 25 in the very near future and I hope to have some results to post, but it seems like it's going to be very hard to beat out the 7828(velocity and accuracy). This load of 7828 is what prompted me to buy the chronograph instead of borrowing one everytime I want to go shoot. It just shoots phenomenal and I was very curious as to what's it is doing on the clock. By the way the factory loadings 100 tsx clocked in at 3508fps and the factory loaded AccuBond clocked in at 3375fps.