There's a page from the past. I've been working on my son's Mark V .257 for a couple of weeks. Tempermental weapon. Trying for a Nosler 110 AccuBond load. The gun seems cursed. I have had a series of groups with two rounds, the first two touching or damn close, and the third is a flyer 3/4 - 1 inch out. I do the best that I can letting the barrel cool, work around, hell even try sneaking up on the gun.
Today was better. Three shots nice little triangle less than 1/2 inch, 3407, 3420, and 3428 FPS. 70.0 grains IMR 7828 SSC. Had a couple left over and they sure whack the gongs at 300, 400, and 500 yards with authority.
Hoping for a test coyote in the morning on our trip to Crain, Oregon for "Rat Safari - 2009."
Thanks for your reply. Just returned from Crane, Oregon "Rat Safari - 2009". Lots of rats 50-400 yards. Had a blast and fired about 800 rounds between the two of us. Lousy conditions both days. High winds, 30 MPH and some heavy rain today. Just love the smell of burning gunpowder.
The current project weapon is a Weatherby Mark V, .257 WM with 26" inch barrel, Leupold VX III 3.5X10X50. My son picked it up for $550 from one of his construction guys wh needed some cash. I'm a retired cop and I checked all the numbers. Clean deal. The guy had a couple of kids and work is slow in San Diego.